
Sunday 20 August 2017

Supernatural Season 13 Episodes 1 - 9 Titles Revealed! Weeee! (Includes Spoilers for titles...obvs!)

Sooooooo are we all surviving the Hellatus? It's really not that long now until the new season kicks off! Woohooo! The show is already onto shooting episode 4, and with convention season in full flight, we're starting to hear bits and pieces of what to expect from the season!

One of the exciting things that happens before the season starts is we start to hear some episode titles. Well, this year we have the first 9 titles for season 13 released! Of course these can change, we've seen that happen, and the order can change, we've seen that happen too, but it's a start for all of us getting real hungry for the new season! And definitely something to chew on!

So here they are, let's look at them and see if we can work out what they're about! Come at me with your theories!

I'll add a couple of notes on the things we know, or I think, feel free to fill in the gaps and add your ideas!

Time to turn away now if you don't want to know what they are!

Episode 1: "Lost and Found" (Oct 12)
This will be the aftermath of the season finale, all they've lost, and the addition of Jack. We know Dean is going to struggle with the magnitude of his feelings of loss, and we also know he's not going to be all warm and fuzzy towards Jack. Whereas Sam wants to believe in Jack - because he sees so much of himself in that character, and because he also believes Jack is the answer to opening the portal to try and bring Mary back.

Episode 2: "The Rising Sun" (Oct 19)
Jack anyone?

Episode 3: "Patience" (Oct 26)
This is the episode that introduces the new character, Patience, who is Missouri Mosley's grand daughter and will be joining the Wayward Sisters/Daughters spinoff!

Episode 4: "The Big Empty"
I have a feeling we'll be seeing Cas in the Empty! Weeee! Which is what we've all been thinking let's face it!  But who is he going to be with?

Episode 5: "Advanced Thanatology"
I had to look up Thanatology! "The scientific study of death and the practices associated with it, including the study of the needs of the terminally ill and their families." 

Demented Daisy on Twitter came up with this little nugget!
Etymology of Thanatology: from the Greek god of death, Thanatos.

So this could be a monster of the week episode - certainly being episode 5 that episode often falls as a monster of the week bridge in the early season arc, or could Death be involved, being as this falls between what is probably Cas in the Empty and Cas Resurrected episodes! Is Death in the Empty with Cas? As Anna suggests in the comments?

Episode 6: "Tombstone"
This is the episode Misha said that Cas meets Jack. With that title, is this also the episode the Winchesters discover Cas has been resurrected?

Episode 7: "War of the Worlds"
I have a feeling we all know what this will be - will we see a clash between the two worlds?

Episode 8: "The Scorpion and the Frog"
This is the title of an Aesop's fable:  

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" 

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

I know there are going to be discussions regarding nurture versus nature when it comes to Jack. Is that what this episode is going to be about? Will we find out which way Jack is going to go?

Episode 9: "The Bad Place"
Good chance this is the midseason finale, so expect something big and bad!

What do you think? Have you got ideas and theories, information to add? Have you heard anything on the wind? Let's get this season 13 thing going, and start talking! Can't wait to hear where your thoughts are taking you!



  1. Hey Amy...hope you're enjoying your hellatus. Glad to hear you don't have whooping cough. You're almost caught up with me on the rewatch.....I'm up to Don't Call Me Shurley...LOL. I'm very much looking forward to this season. I love that Dabb or Singer, one of them noted, it's going to be more personal and smaller. That's how it all started after all....small and personal. I look forward to seeing more of the brothers and their personal stories, rather than dealing with large epic myth arc stuff....though I do find the alternate universe a rather interesting plot.

    Jared had said, which kind of makes me rather excited and hopeful, that Sam kind of holds in all his feelings til it eventually comes to a breaking point....He believes that Dean could hate him much the way he feels about whether that might be in regards to Sam's demon blood or Sam's dormant powers???? but this has been an unresolved issue for 12 years....I am excited for Sam and Dean to discuss this and finally lay to rest this issue for both boys. I'm just wondering which ep will finally make Sam open up to Dean about this....maybe in the scorpion and the frog? this seems like an ep where a conversation can like that happen, especially if discussing Jack.

    I know Billie has threatened the boys with the Empty, but I always felt that was more of an empty threat...ha ha...get it....I've always felt that the Empty was meant to be the resolution to the Lucifer issue....or even possibly the Amara one if things hadn't gone Chuck's way. I can't help but wonder if perhaps the Empty could be Death's realm and Death isn't really dead at all but where he's been hiding out. If Cas is in the Empty I can only think of two entities strong enough to free Cas from there......God or Death. It'll be interesting to see how Cas gets out and who else might have ended up there.

    1. Hey Anna!

      I remember Jared saying that about the Jack thing bringing up all those feels around whether Dean hates Sam for what he was/is. I think that's super interesting, and I'm hoping the boys hash that one out. I know Dean doesn't feel that way, he can seperate Sam from pretty much everything in his mind!

      I think we will see these things play out very early, because at the stage the Js were discussing these plot points, both boys had only read the first script, even though I know they would have had discussions on season arc, storylines etc with the writers, I feel like the things they were discussing at Comic Con are going to be rolling out early.

      I'm also looking forward to the idea of a smaller more personal story, with emphasis on how everything impacts the boys. I thought it was interesting that Misha said that Cas' "death" is really seen as more of an impact story on the brothers and how that loss affects them, than how Cas himself is affected. I thought that sound super interesting, and undoubtedly heartbreaking!

      I think Death could quite possibly be in The Empty, we know it's a very powerful being, so maybe he's been hiding out there, maybe there was more to that final scene of season 10 than we could see at the time!

      Arghhhhh I can't wait to find out! The wait is torture!

    2. I hope you're right that we see all of this early on. I was thinking that as well since what's discussed at comic con is usually the early eps of the season. I can't wait.

  2. I'm pumped for the AU episodes! Do you think Mary will find John in one? Or be a super evil? I have to admit, I don't care for her character but I'm interested to see what they do with her. I think they meant for her to be this badass Buffy like addition but accidentally ruined her and aren't sure what to do now.

    Even though I'm expecting a very predictable plot with Jack (starts off convincing us and himself that he is good but then has evil urges, yadda yadda), I'm looking forward to it. Mostly his interaction with Cas. I bet Cas and Sam will side against Dean for Jack so that will be new.

    And there's no way Rowena's really gone ;)

  3. I really do enjoy Rowena...I also hope that the fact that they showed that doll means she's still alive....I think it would be cool if she tried to wrap Jack around her wicked little finger...
