
Monday 13 March 2017

Review - Supernatural 12x15 "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell" - by sweetondean

Grown up Winchesters are my favourite thing. Or maybe it’s grown up Winchesters who can still tease each other and act like five year olds. Or maybe it’s grown up Winchesters who can still tease each other, act like five year olds, and trust each other 100%. Yeah. Maybe it’s that, that’s my favourite thing. 

Season 12 has been full of wonderful broments - from the moving, to the hilarious, to the fist pumping unity, and “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell” by Davy Perez, who is fast becoming a favourite writer of mine, was stuffed with more perfect Sam and Dean gems. The Winchester brothers are in a solid place, which makes my heart happy, and it’s because of this solid place that all these wonderful scenes can unfold.

Dean Winchester loves a good hunt. There’s no doubt about this, and it’s not because he’s a killer like Ketch, but because he’s good at it, it’s where he feels most purposeful, it’s where he’s knows he’s doing good. He likes saving people, in his most trying times, hunting gives him peace in his life and he turns to it and throws himself into it with gusto, especially whenever he’s feeling like his footing is unsure… and fighting next to his brother…if Sam and Dean are shoulder to shoulder in battle, Dean could live with doing that forever.

Dean was positively gleeful when the boys returned to the bunker after a series of hunts. Happy to be doing the work, happy to be doing it with Sam. Dean’s mood for the most part was pretty light hearted throughout this episode and it got me to thinking about the weight that must have been lifted when his mother came clean - weight he may not have even been aware he was carrying. Sure, he was pissed and hurt that she lied to him and Sam, and sure he is not happy about her decision, but now he knows the truth. He’s no longer suspicious and thinking she’s hiding something. He knows that she wasn’t trying to avoid her sons (not consciously anyway). He knows what she was doing and her reasons for it. The rift between them was mended over pretty quickly, even if they agreed to disagree. If Dean’s been hurting that their mum has been brushing them off, not wanting to hunt with them, feigning being tired, if he’s been hurting because he could see the writing on the wall and knew that something was going on with her, knowing the truth and finding a place of peace between them would have made him feel a whole lot of better, and maybe, along with a good hunt next to his bro…this contributed to him being so damn chipper!

It’s just beyond amazing that after so many years of push and shove between the brothers, we have this harmony - it means we can have the gorgeous domestic scenes in the bunker - and even the gooey ones!

Grubby Dean irritating Sam with his stubbornness to shower gave me life! Dean can be all - don’t mess up my room, ewwwww I put my hand on something slimy, but he’s also all sniffing stinky clothes stuffed in his duffle and flicking beer bottle lids on to the bunker floor! He can be clean and tidy, and he can be pretty grotty! He can be covered in blood one minute, and icked out by shifter goo the next! And if he can get some traction out of making Sam huff, he’s going to do it. This week it seemed like it was Dean’s mission to tease Sam…and I loved it! I’m so thankful we’re in a place where they feel the need…the need to tease!

Thankfully, the brothers are allowed to be these rich characters whose ways can change dependent on their moods and/or current circumstances. That’s one thing I love about Supernatural, the writers don’t get locked down by a line that a character said 9 seasons ago and allow that to define them or dictate their behaviours for eternity. Our characters are allowed to change and they are allowed to grow They can be different from day to day, reason to reason, emotion to emotion…because they’re written as real people and real people are complex and fluid. 

Sam’s disgust with gooey Dean was a treat. As was the underwear conversation and the fancy shampoo reference, Sam would totally have fancy shampoo (let’s not talk about Dean’s hair product!), and later the Impala banter, and the blaming Sam for the bear idea. All this poking and joshing is such a wonderful, casual reminder of how close these brothers are, the affectionate exchanges which aren’t overtly affectionate. Two people who know each other like no one else does. I love all the scenes like these; domestic, ribbing broments…it’s just hearts in eyes!

And then as if to add icing to the delicious Winchester cake, there was the final scene between Sam and Dean… How I loved the final scene. How I love these boys.

I’ll admit I internally moaned when I realised Sam was lying to Dean about where the cases they’d just been on were coming from, making up a story about computer algorithms because he knew Dean wouldn't question it, I internally moaned…but to be honest, I wasn’t really worried. I understood why Sam lied - or rather, why he was afraid to tell Dean the truth. Not only had the brothers just gone through a similar situation with Mary, which cut Dean to the quick, Sam also knew how strongly his brother felt about the British Men of Letters. But, Dean has grown a lot over the past couple of years…and I think Sam knows and appreciates this. Gwen’s comments about not telling the truth to her unfortunate boyfriend, about lying to make things easier, made Sam think twice about what he was doing to Dean. So after the hunt when the brothers got back to the bunker…Sam came clean.

What I loved about how Sam did this was he didn’t say sorry and then instantly try to excuse what he’d done. He wasn’t automatically defensive, he didn’t have his guard up. He calmly explained why he agreed to work with the BMoL, he explained his reasoning and what he saw as the advantage for both the brothers to align with the BMoL. He explained it all logically, calmly and rationally, and then he said, “Either way, I shouldn’t have lied to you, and, I’m sorry man.”  No excuses, just sorry. And he was…you could see it. 

And then Dean said, “Okay”.

I’ve been saying since we discovered that Sam was going to go down the working with the BMoL road, that I believed when Dean found out, he would take Sam’s lead. I believed this whole heartedly, because I’ve seen how much Dean has changed, how he allows people to make their own choices even when he doesn’t necessarily agree with them, and how he knows that his brother will always, always be there for him. I think this is an important change for Dean in his relationship with Sam, and Sam has been instrumental in Dean understanding this. In the last couple of years, when Dean has faced some of the most challenging challenges of his challenging life, Sam was there, offering him support, not judging him, quietly letting Dean know that no matter what his little brother will always have his back. This has allowed Dean to relax, to step back from insisting that he always has to be the one to make all their decisions, it’s led to Dean treating his brother as an equal in their partnership, and all this has created unanimity. Between the two of them, they’ve brought each other to a place where Sam could trust Dean enough to finally tell the truth to him, and Dean could trust Sam enough to say, “Okay”. 

Dean could also see that Sam was right. They had saved a bunch of lives over the last couple of weeks they may never had access to…because of information being fed to them - and saving lives is what it’s all about - and they do work with people they don’t trust ALL the time - look at Crowley and Rowena! I also think there’s no way in the world Dean is going to lose his brother to the BMoL out of Dean’s own stubbornness, no matter what his feelings are on the matter. At this place in the brothers long fought for relationship, I don’t believe Dean would let anything that he could prevent, fracture his relationship with Sam. Dean has learnt to pick his fights. This is season 12 pushing forty Dean, he’s more thoughtful, not always reactionary, his growth has been so wonderful to watch, and a lot of it has to do with comfort and trust. It’s a realistic depiction of how we bend for family because sometimes that’s more important in the long run.

Dean answered Sam in US and WE, which has been a theme of the last few episodes, and Sam agreed that if either of them felt like it was all going south, they’d be out - together - then he didn’t pick up the phone to Mick until he knew they were both on the same page, maintaining the image of unity that has become so powerful.

So Dean said “Okay” and we had one of the most mature conversations/moments I think we’ve ever had with the brothers and it was a magnificent, and reflective of how far the brothers have come and who they are this season.

Man I loved that scene and I loved how both Sam and Dean were in it. I was so proud of them both…even if I think the whole BMoL thing is not going to be what it seems…

“Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell” was smart in how it linked together two of the stories in this week’s episode. Our hunt of the week turned out to be linked to Lucifer, and linked to the massive reveal which came later and made me go, OH THANK CHUCK CROWLEY’S NOT BEING AN IDIOT! (Well he probably still is….but a smarter one). The brothers went off on a hunt courtesy of the British Men of Letters, which turned out to be hellhound related…Lucifer’s very own hellhound related! 

I love the hellhounds. I love how the hellhound mythology has been such an intrinsic part of the brother’s history. From Dean being shredded by one, to Sam having to kill one for the trials, to the one responsible for fatally injuring Jo. We’ve seen them, or rather heard them hunting other people who have sold their souls. We’ve seen them invisibly fighting each other and protecting the first blade. We now know that you can see them if you look through glass that’s gone through holy fire, and excitingly, we got some new lore on the hellhounds! 

According to Crowley, hellhounds were made by God to be the “Creator’s best friend” (after God created koalas…which are usually too stoned to care about being anyone’s friend). But the dogs were vicious and He couldn’t control them. So instead of trying to train them or working with them to try to modify their bad behaviours, God decided to put them all down. The whole thing, quite frankly, is just irresponsible pet ownership! Geesh. Anyhooo, Lucifer decided he needed a rescue dog and took one of God’s hellhounds, a pregnant bitch called Ramsey - which is really lovely of him actually, not many people would take on a rescue that was pregnant. Heh. And so now we have hellhounds…. Because God just couldn’t be bothered putting in the work to train his dogs….basically.

Lucifer’s hellhound gets loose (courtesy of a couple of now dead demons) and goes after some campers - who apparently didn’t sell their souls, but did piss off a giant invisible dog. This leads to Sam and Dean joining forces with Crowley, and…because we had hellhounds, the boys wore their glasses! They’re so pretty in glasses. Even Crowley agrees! Of course Crowley agrees…I’m pretty sure he fancies them both! I freakin’ laughed out loud when he said to Dean “Maybe I’ve rubbed off, all over you”. Oh Lordy! Dean’s shudder was gold!

I love how the relationship between Crowley and the boys has developed. They even both thanked him this week! Dean for saving Cas for them, Sam for helping them with the “girl of the week” (that made me laugh too!). Crowley even got a hug from Gwen - which was damn hilarious (“he seems nice”). All these thanks and cute moments makes me think that everything is about to go very sideways for the brothers and Crowley…probably when they discover that he has Lucifer stashed…which you know they will and soon!

I was so worried that Crowley had not only gone soft, he’d gone stupid…but instead, he’s damn well brilliant! Genius really does trump brut force. He had a dozen of his most loyal studying the Cage at a molecular level, he had the Nick vessel stashed away, and he prepared it to become a trap for Lucifer’s essence. He worked on this plan…FOR…YEARS…which makes you wonder if it was a just in case plan, or if he always planned to remove Lucifer from the Cage and and put him in the Nick Cage (been dying to say that!), and if he’s been planning to do this…why? What are his plans for Lucifer…surely it’s not just to torment and punish him. Crowley’s ego was definitely bruised, but he’s not stupid. What’s Crowley got up his well tailored sleeve? He’s scheming, I’m sure of it…

Meanwhile, Cas is being wooed back to Heaven.

Cas has been on the outs with his brothers and sisters for a long time, so when they come calling (in the shape of a hotty!) offering to accept him back as one of them in the fight against the Nephilim, I’m not surprised Cas acquiesced. He has Sam and Dean, sure, but being on the outs from heaven has always seemed like a sadness Cas wore in his very being. He loves earth, but he’s never felt like he 100% fit. If he had a real choice between his brothers and sisters in heaven and a life on earth with Sam and Dean…which would he choose? I can’t see him walking away from Sam and Dean, but I also can’t see him turning down forgiveness in heaven. And with Joshua back in the garden, and heaven working pretty well…is this finally Cas’ opportunity to return to the angelic fold?

Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell, was enjoyable from beginning to end. All the story arcs pushed the season along nicely, all the characters were awesome (including Gwen, the girl of the week), the effects, the direction from Nina Lopez-Corrado …with great action, and the cool shots through doors and glasses, and the moments between the brothers - from the sassy bantering to the deeply satisfying final scene. More like that please!

I’m not sure where the Somewhere between Heaven and Hell is…but I feel like Sam and Dean are about to find themselves caught between the two places and the two “people” connected to them.

Oh and Lucille! Classic.


I think a season 12 rematch is in order!

Thanks for reading…let me know your thoughts!


  1. I love your take on messy Dean and you helped answer a question or two of mine! This episode was fun. I agree things are going to go sideways with Crowley. I wonder if he will be a/one of the tipping points with BMOL. You asked it in the pod, and it's my question too (I agree with you over Jules on this one). If the BMOL have an angle to kill Crowley, what will Sam and Dean do? Especially if maybe they can justify his usefulness in stopping the Nephilim somehow? So much more to be revealed about those BMOL and the old men. And I trust none of them at all! Thanks for the review.

    1. Yes, I don't know that they would happily join forces on the destruction of Crowley - not right now - they use him in so many ways, just like he does them, and that's why I think that there were lots of thank yous going on - setting the Crowley "friendship" up for a fall - of course that fall will most likely come because of his secret about Lucifer! Thanks for reading :)

  2. I am going to agree to disagree with Sam coming forward about the truth. He did finally yes and took him two weeks to do it but he is still hiding something from Dean and if you are going to come forward about EVERYTHING why not about the COLT? Does he want mom to do that? See there is still a secret out there and when Dean hears about the colt being stolen and Sam using on the alpha if he ever really tells about that since he seems to go on about the brits killing the alpha not him?? which begs to differ why not tell Dean you killed the alpha with the colt?? So there is a secret so he came forward about working with the brits I will give him that but still secret out there again is Mick going to say something and get Sam in trouble just like he did with Mary? That is my nag with this story is that I am glad Sam came forward. Sam choose a side and was with the Brits Dean is not happy working for them and lets now see how that works out. So mom and Sam are for working with the Brits and Dean is on the outside looking in. Like I said I wish the conversation with Sam and Dean had gone better and yes we can go on but Sam came clean but took him two weeks and Gwen talking about lies for him to do it. And how did you expect Dean to act; like mom he had to be suspicious about the computer all of sudden telling Sam where to go for cases he was probably not letting on hoping Sam come clean? I enjoyed watching Dean and Crowley working together. that was fun to see and Dean thanking Crowley was nice. Not trying to be Debbie Downer but I wish Sam would have come clean about everything. Then see Dean's reaction. Half truths don't work for me. I just hope he does not get caught knowing about the colt but I think Dean is going to find out and like I said hoping Sam get feeling someone else will tell him.

    1. Hi Sue

      I don't like lying either, and yes it did take two weeks for Sam to tell the truth, but maybe it just took him that long to figure out how. He knew Dean was not going to be happy about it - so how is the best way to tell his brother? Maybe he thought if Dean could see the good that could come from getting hunts via the BMoL, Dean would understand, because he knows Dean is as passionate about the saving people part of the bumper sticker as he is.

      As much as I love and adore Dean, I also freely admit he hasn't always made it easy to have a different opinion to him, and Sam has been the brunt of that many times - that's got to make you a little gun shy. Sam believes in what he's doing, and he just needed to find a way to tell his brother. That can be scary for any of us, so I'm not going to rouse on Sam...I think his apology was beautifully done, and absolutely heartfelt, and I think he wound up understanding he just had to trust his brother would understand, which happily, Dean did.

      I don't see Dean as on the outside of Mary and Sam, with them working for the Brits and Dean looking in. In fact agreeing to give the BMoL a go, ensures that Dean remains close to his family, which is hyper important to Dean. It means he can continue to protect them and ensure they're all safe. He can fight beside them - that's way better then not knowing what they're doing. Dean's not an idiot, he sees all sides of the picture. Don't think for a second that Dean is some manipulated, wilting flower in this scenario - he is not - that dismisses his growth of character that allows him to see other's standpoints where in the past he might not have. That is important growth, and I won't see that stripped from him. He used his own agency to make this decision.

      As for the Colt. That is an unknown. I personally agree with you and don't think that story has come out yet, though I know some other fans believe they must have spoken about it after the death of the Alpha, because Dean would ask how he died. Maybe. But I feel Dean would have mentioned the Colt if he knew about it. But we don't know either way, because the show hasn't told us either way, so we have to hang out to see what happens with that one. I think Sam probably doesn't want Dean to know that Mary stole the gun, or maybe he's giving Mary the chance to tell her son herself. But at this point in time, we don't know.

      And let's be clear here - the brothers are not working FOR the Brits. As far as I can see, they are still independently hunting, they are just receiving intel from the BMoL. Instead of doing the research themselves, the BMoL is doing it for them. Remember - that's the way the Men of Letters and hunters have always worked.

      Thanks for your comment :)

  3. Gwen threw Sam and Dean out of her house? Did she look at them? Inconceivable!!

    The Colt is the big elephant in the room right now. Is that why Sam told Dean that the BMOL's killed the Alpha? They clearly didn't. In fact if Sam hadn't been there they would all be dead. Is Sam holding that back from Dean? At first I thought it was an error in the writing, but now I think Sam hasn't come clean and is a little afraid to. Or did Mary and Mick tell him not to. I can't imagine how pissed Dean will be when he finds out. And he will find out. This should be a fairly big betrayal even for the more mature Dean.

    1. Sorry by the way I loved your review. As always it makes me want to watch the episode again.

    2. i guess she could've used a pair of glasses herself.

  4. Good review. I appreciate your positive POV.

  5. Hey Amy, I'm sorry but I'm going to be the downer on this episode. I have to say I agree with Sue Beattie on the lying to Dean. Sam was taking cases for them from BMOL for 2 weeks without telling Dean about it. I know my boys have come so far as in character growth, respecting each others opinions but it seemed odd that Sam had to be reminded by the girl they were helping that lying was bad! And he's still hasn't told Dean about the colt! For me the episode was okay, had some great bits eg lucille, Dean and Sam's underwear talk, lol, Dean and Crowley(wow, Jensen and Mark really have great chemistry),Dean and Sam's talk about Baby, but also some "what the hell" moments, eg now you can fight hellhounds with a gun, axe and a cooler!!! And I'm sorry, this whole Dean is comic relief thing is being overdone. Dean knows how to use a computer, Dean is also a neat freak so I get a bit frustrated by this. I'm sorry for going on, but the last 2 episodes really upset me to the point of angry tears,lol!! Anyway's, how this will all pan out is anyone guess, I just hope that Dean doesn't get hurt again, his face at the end, when he told Sam to go ahead and answer the call broke my heart!! Someone give that boy a hug!! Sorry again for going on, I always love to read your thoughts. Till next time, ciao!! :)

    1. Hi Anita, thanks for your comment.

      Dean being a "neat freak" seems to be this week's fandom catch phrase, I have seen it all over the place, and I'm sorry, as far as I'm concerned, it's plain wrong and a disservice to Dean. Dean is neat, and he's not neat - he's not OCD by any stretch of the imagination! He can be just as comfortable covered in blood as he is making army corners on his bed. Sure, goo can gross him out, but he is happy enough to dig into festering food HE left in the fridge. Dean has had a fair share of being gross moments! As I said, he's a multi-faceted character - he's allowed to be many things, just like non fictional humans are.

      I also don't agree that Dean is broken hearted by Sam's working with the BMoL. I don't think he's happy about it for sure, but I think he was able to see more than one side to what Sam chose to do. Dean has grown and I'm so thankful of that and that I can see that being demonstrated in his character decisions. And I think we will see more of that coming up. I feel like sometimes Dean isn't given enough credit for being a fully formed adult! I guess he has brought that on himself because of past behaviours - but they are in the past. I'm sorry but there has been so much commentary about Dean after this episode that has totally rubbed me the wrong way! He's not some wooby. He's Dean Winchester - badass, rounded, thoughtful human being. I'm not saying you are treating him like some delicate flower at all, but many have been. As for the Colt - we will have to wait to see how this plays out! I really hope we all find out what happened about the Colt soon, because it's got us all scratching our heads! I hope it pans out okay.. I really do...(and I think it will, I have faith in both those boys).

      Thanks so much for your comment - even if we don't see Dean or this episode the same way, it was interesting to think about.

    2. I've never seen Dean as a neat at all. The only thing I've ever seen organized when it came to Dean is his porn collection. He throws his empty food wrappers and cans in the back of the impala. Just because he hates witches, cuz he has a thing about spit..doesn't make him a germophobe or a neat freak. Neat and organized...Sam and John. do you remember what the back of John's truck looked like, how all the weapons were organized and in place...Baby's trunk is chaotic. Do you remember in Appt in Sumarra...He went to Dr. Robert...first words out of his mouth ..."i'm no germophobe, but....yet he still went through with the procedure. Dean is most definitely not a neat freak...

      I noted as well in my thoughts that Sam just needed time. He even said so to Mick...."and your brother?"...Sam: just give me some time. He flat out told us in the raid that he needed some time...I took him at his word.

    3. go back and watch some old eps, there's always food wrappers on the bed, pizza boxes left out, bottles everywhere....his room is nice and tidy though...wonder if part of the reason for that is cuz he hardly sleeps there.

    4. Totally agree, Anna...he sure as hell has never come across as a neat freak at all to me - ever. And just because he said something about sceevy witches and bodily fluid back in season 3, doesn't mean it dictates his life for eternity. Remember the big pile of sweet wrappers next to him in the Samhain ep. The boy can be messy!

      I agree with you on the Sam thing too - I would prefer they never lie, but it's unrealistic and Sam did what he did for the reasons he said. I too took him at his word. That was a beautiful scene, and I'm proud of how they both handled it.

    5. Hey Amy and Anna, thanks for your reply's. Wow, you know saying Dean is a neat freak started a weird conversation didn't it! You know this whole Dean only keeps his porn collection organised is a bit low, and really a bit unfair. Also to Dean his room is his space so I think that's why it's tidy! The whole Sam and John are the organised one's yeah ok but Dean's not the slob he seems to be seen as and I struggle to see Dean getting in Baby as dirty as he was, so maybe we'll just disagree on that one!
      As to treating Dean as a woobie, no I'm not like that. Dean Winchester is a badass, awesome, kickass hunter but sometimes, he leaves his heart out there and he gets hurt, and just lately it seems to be his family!! Maybe broken hearted was a bit strong for the end scene but Dean"s face said many thing's in my opinion, he was hurt and disappointed. Again thanks for the discussion, your page is the only one I visit because of your awesome previews/reviews! Until next episode!! :)

    6. I definitely don't think he's a slob at all - he keeps Baby shiny and for the most part his room squared away - though I do remember a shot where he had clothes piled up on a chair - so he must be like all of us! I just don't see him as some neat freak, germ phobe, he's never presented like that to me, and I seriously was shocked by this sudden depiction in fandom of Dean that way!

      it's true, Dean can lead with his heart, and that can cause him pain - but though I definitely think he was not happy to hear what had been going on, and yes, disappointed I think is an excellent word, I think he can see beyond that...or at least, will. I really do think its important to look at this union as the BMoL feeding Sam and Dean cases - I think when it starts to go beyond that, and the boys start to have conflict over the BMoL methods and targets - that's when the brothers will look at getting out.

      Thanks for reading and your support!

    7. Search YouTube for "We Need to Get a Maid". If you never thought of Dean as being a "neat freak" then that 8-min complication may change your mind! I think a lot of people recognize him as being the first born who had a militant father and was used to having to take care of Sammy and make sure everything was clean, taken care of, etc. I have six kids and my oldest, as well as so many other firstborns, tend to be perfectionists and very clean. Always exceptions to the rule, of course. But I digress. One of the last episodes we saw, Cas almost dies and finally tells them that he loves them. Mary has come clean and reconciled with him. Dean is hunting and loving it. I think Dean is just on cloud nine right now and doesn't give a flying fudge that he is covered in blood and guts; too happy to care. I think this is the calm before a very big storm!

  6. I think it's unfair to lay the colt lie on Sam. First of all, the colt in the BMOL's hands, this isn't Sam's lie to tell. This lie belongs to Mary. Who's to say there hasn't been a conversation between Sam and Mary in which he told her he was going to tell Dean about him choosing to work along side the BMOL and the fact that they had the colt. What if Mary told Sam not to tell Dean about the colt, what if she wanted to be the one to do it. Point is we don't have enough information to make accusations.

    1. Yep, we don't know - the show has not shown or told us - and for all we know, Sam is allowing that story for Mary to tell. She is the one who stole it after all. It wasn't in play this episode, and it wasn't discussed - so we just don't know what the story is with it.

    2. It's still a big elephant in the room. Even if Sam isn't the one to tell Dean he has already lied about it by telling Dean that the BMOL's killed the Alpha. One lie always begets another with this show.

    3. I'm really hoping we get a definitive answer on the Colt soon!

    4. I agree that it is Mary who should tell Dean but Sam also knows about it either soften the blow so Dean won't get mad at Mary or Sam. But the conversation has not happened we know that and the elephant in the room will either be Ketch or Mick telling Dean. But Sam lied flat out and I am not painting Sam in bad light but Dean went along because what choice did he have really. Sam put him in a position that he really couldn't say NO. And I didn't like when Sam said to Mick at the end of The Raid 'give me time'. Dean's choice was never to work for the Brits fine if mom did but as far as I saw Dean him and Sam united front not working for them. Sam saved the day as well as Mary by showing them what hunters do and then 'give him time to make Dean come around' the expression that Amy used tells how Dean feels about this alliance. The Brits were trying to woo them over and Mary got Sam over to the Brits quarters. But I am confused on why Sam keeps saying that the Brits killed the Alpha now tell me if I am wrong but didn't Sam kill the alpha?? Why isn't Sam taking credit for killing the Alpha why is he giving credit to the Brits?? And remember where Deans car was and where Dean was with the car half inside and half outside that is how is he going to be with this alliance. Mom and Sam are all in. So Dean is going to be on his own. And yes also I understand Sam worried about telling Dean about working with Brits right after blow out with mom but he did confess and come forward but to me HE STILL SHOULD HAVE LEFT DEAN TO DESCIDE TO COME ON BRITS ON OWN not two weeks working with them in secret. That is problem I have with how Sam handled things.

  7. He did leave Dean to decide on his own.  Whether Sam told him two weeks ago or a year from now, Dean made his own choice.  He wasn't forced.  He wasn't tricked.   He wasn't given the demand to pick a side.  He couldn't said he didn't want to work with them.  He could've remained stubborn and not saw the good in it.  He could've divided his family.   Dean's choice was  to give it a chance.  He saw beyond the hate.  Dean chose to save lives and he chose to do so with his family.  He decided for himself to give it a try.  He also declared that there was no trust at all and if even the slightest thing felt off they would quit.  He didn't say I, he said we.  Sam agreed.  This was Sam telling Dean that they are in this together always and that he didn't pick a side, he chose to save lives.  Sam agreeing to this allowed Dean to recognize that with or without Dean, Sam would've always quit if he didn't like or agree with the BMOL's methods. In this way I think Dean found comfort.  Not only by Sam agreeing does he allow Dean to understand that Sam always has his side, but that Sam would always be about doing the right thing. 

    Dean is also about family.  He knows that Mary is working for the BMOL and so far the only time he's gotten to see her was when it was on one of their cases.   If he's to have any form of a connection with his mom, being how she's not just that, then the only family bonding time he will get to have with her would be if they were on a hunt together.   While one could say he's stubborn, the most important thing for him has always been family.  Dean's own choice also likely stems from the fact that, it might not be the one he envisioned with Mary alive, but his family are hunters.  They kill  monsters, they save lives....and Mary is the mother of the Winchester pack.

    As for Dean, I just agreed he isn't a germophobe. While he keeps Baby beautiful on the outside, she's a bit lived in on the inside, which is at it should be as she is of course home. As for getting in Baby dirty and grimy...well he did that in the Pilot when he jumped off the bridge....full of mud, smelling like a toilet. So it's not like baby hasn't had Sam and Dean in her when they weren't all dirty or bloody....

  8. no way to edit...I meant that he could've said that he still didn't want to work for them.

    I do recall Dean doing that before. Making the decision not to work with Sam when Sam begged him to go with him. He made his own choice and I always thought it the wrong one. The Winchesters are stronger together, always have been, I'm pretty sure Dean agrees with this....He has said so himself.

    1. Good point like I said I am just having hard time getting past why he just wasn't up front from the get go instead of doing the cases. But good points and I am for that. I just hope Sam does what he said he would do after Dean agreeing.

    2. Like I also said in my review, and like Anna reiterated, this is Dean's family, and that will always be the most important thing for him - he mad his own decision, and with how quickly he said okay, he didn't even feel the need to go off and stew on it - which he most certainly would have most likely done in the past. The maturity in Sam and Dean's relationship, and the strength that they have found in each other and in working together in a harmonious atmosphere no doubt has a lot to do with that.

  9. for all the love and faith you have for dean, I have for Sam.  Trust me....Sam will always choose his brother....always.  The only question is what event will trigger the dissolvement with the BMOL and where does Mick truly stand in all this?  Will the dissolvement come when it comes time to handle the Nephilim?  or will it come sooner, like when and if they find out about Magda or the soldiers?  or if Claire ends up on the BMOL's death list.....still though, when all is said and done, whenever the boys do find out the true colors of the BMOL, I think what's important is that they do....and they wouldn't if the boys simply ignored them.   For some reason,  maybe because of the Hitler ep, I keep going back to that.   Hitler gained all his power because he remain unchecked and was basically ignored by the other powers.  FDR saw what he was doing but still wanted to stay out of it.  Look what happened.  Not for nothing but if Japan hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor, that war could've ranged on for much longer and many many more would've died...and who knows where that would've left the world.    I look at Sam and Dean in the same light.  The BMOL, or someone in the higher ranks, these Old Men appear to be the ones in power here.   What do they want?  Who are they?  Do we have another tyrant similar to the Hitler type?  The way I look at it, the boys working with the BMOL can lead them to discover a greater evil.   Perhaps.....when Dean killed Hitler again in The One We Were Waiting For, is a bit of foreshadow of what's to come.  I think the boys are fated for this....for the greater good.

    1. I 100% believe that the whole thing is going to go south when the brothers discover what/who the BMoL really and find themselves at odds with their decisions and methods - and then I think the whole minute, I mean second thing will come into play and the brothers will be out and will find themselves in opposition (again) to the Brits...whether Mary follows her sons remains to be seen....

      The brothers will always choose each other...that's why I loves the so! 😍

    2. I believe in the brothers also I was just questioning how or why Sam didn't trust Dean at first just to tell him straight up. And I guess also going off Dean's last expression when Dean is on phone with Mick for latest case. I think it how Jensen played the whole scene out at the end and how Dean's body language is I watched that again and to me yes he showed maturity which by the way good question I am one who listens to you and jules reviews and I think Dean and Sam have grown a lot. Like I said its his body language and they focus on him at the end of the scene and I think that is why I questioned a lot about Sam's descision (sp). Jensen does a lot of expressing Deans feelings in scenes and like I said that last scene before credits speaks volumes for me.
