
Thursday 24 March 2016

The Light on Spoilers, Heavy on THE HIATUS IS OVER (again) Preview of Supernatural 11x16 "Safe House"

-by sweetondean

It's over! Again. Hiatus is done...and hopefully now, it's clear sailing through to the finale...hopefully!

I've been on holidays, doing Vegascon and Seacon, so I have to say this hiatus didn't seem tough at all! Hee! Also, I feel a bit out of whack with everything! I just got home I'm still a little discombobulated! But it was an AMAZING couple of cons - which I will podcast about with Jules on the Women of Letters podcast!

But enough of the cheap plugs! To the preview!


Dean: Keep grinding. No matter how much it hurts, how hard it gets, you gotta keep grinding.
Sam: Right.
Dean: And that's how we're gonna win. And we're gonna win. We're gonna save Cas, we're gonna ice the Devil, and we're gonna shank the Darkness. And anyone that gets in our way. Well, God help 'em.
Sam: Damn right.
Dean: Damn right.


Bobby and Rufus are back!

Yep Bobby and Rufus are back - but as they're both dead (wibble), this is done with flashbacks. As the boys look into a case in the present, we see Bobby and Rufus looking into the same kind of case in the past. I heard Jim talk about this at Vegascon; he said it was a particularly tricky production for that reason, as the locations had to be used for Rufus and Bobby, and then the locations with identical shots used for Sam and it looks like all 4 are at the same place, doing the same thing across time! Sounds fascinating and so Robbie T, who likes to push the boundaries of what this show can do! Here's the synopsis!

Safe House

JIM BEAVER RETURNS A dangerous creature is accidentally released into an old house, attacking a mother and her child, leaving them both in a coma. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) learn that Bobby (guest star Jim Beaver) and Rufus (guest star Steven Williams) once tracked the same entity so the Winchesters look to the past to come up with a plan to catch the monster before any one dies. Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Robbie Thompson. (#1116) 

How awesome does that all sound? And we get more Bobby and Rufus banter! I love how we can get time with dead friends on this show....and I love how season 11 has been looking to the show's history with cases and monsters and memories. It's so cool! is the promo... the promo is more a back end of the season promo, not a promo for this specific episode. So let's move on to the sneak peeks! There are 2...which show Sam and Dean and then Bobby and Rufus arriving at the same house and talking to the same woman...except years apart! Cool idea is cool!

This is going to be so fun! Fun to see the case being worked by 2 sets of hunters at different times, fun (and probably poignant) to see Sam and Dean working one of Bobby's old cases, and fun to see Bobby and Rufus doing their cantankerous old dudes act! We never got to see enough of them together before Rufus was killed, so this is going to be such a treat!

So enjoy our show being back, enjoy two of our favourite characters being back, enjoy the boys working a case together old school, and enjoy all of this knowing that we have season 12 - and that Jared has said they dearly want to get to 300 episodes which means season 13 (which they've signed on for) and at the least a truncated 14 to hit the big number!

Enjoy the episode! Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I love how season 11 has been looking to the show's history with cases and monsters and memories. - Me too! It really gives a sense of depth and weight to the world and characters. How many shows a) get to do that, and b) pull it off?

    Also, cantankerous Jewish Rufus is pretty much my favorite--I was just talking with someone about how we wished he didn't get killed in "And then there were none", so this is perfect timing. I love how Carver keeps bringing back dead characters in ways that don't negate their deaths, but also give us a chance to still enjoy them. It's fab. :D

    (I must admit, I'm almost as excited by the thought of a new WoL podcast as by tonight's episode--after marathoning your entire series over a couple of weeks, I went through withdrawal once I caught up.)
