
Thursday 25 February 2016

The Light on Spoilers, Heavy on OH MY GOD ANOTHER HIATUS Preview of Supernatural 11x15 "Beyond the Mat"

- by sweetondean

Yes. There is another hiatus coming. 
After this episode. For 4 weeks.

But then, we're off to the silver lining. SILVER LINING, PEOPLE *she says grasping at straws*

But in the meantime, we're off to the wrestling! Yep, wrestling.

The Cas is out of the bag!

Date night!
(And I mean that is a total non-shippy way I swear!)

So the boys have a night out together and this makes me unbelievably happy. Could season 11 Winchesters get any more awesome. Seriously, I'm expecting to have the rug pulled out from under them and from under me at any moment! But until then, I'm going to enjoy the brothers having fun together! Because it's glorious!

Let's look at the synopsis!

“Beyond the Mat” 

WWE CHAMPION MIKE “THE MIZ” MIZANIN GUEST STARS – Dean (Jensen Ackles) sees an obituary notice for a wrestler he and Sam (Jared Padalecki) used to watch when they were kids. Deciding they need a break from tracking the Darkness, the brothers decide to attend the funeral to pay their respects. The funeral is full of wrestlers, including Shawn Harley (guest star Mike “The Miz” Mizanin), a hot shot new wrestler with a fiery temper who pushes everyone’s buttons, and veteran wrestler Gunner Lawless (guest star Aleks Paunovic). Sam and Dean attend the next match to re-live one of their fondest childhood memories but when another wrestler turns up dead, play time quickly turns to work. Jerry Wanek directed the episode written by John Bring & Andrew Dabb (#1115). 

Jerry Wanek is back behind the camera - after creating all our beautiful sets. This will be Jerry's 3rd episode as a director. This will be Andrew's 3rd episode this Andrew Dabb's episodes! John Bring is a writers assistance on the Supernatural. He also created the Penguins vs Possums comic - which I kickstarted and it's super cool! This is John's first writing credit on the show. He pitched the story and wrote the episode with Andrew!

Here's a little interview with John....CLICKETY CLICK

The Miz, is a Wrestler with the WWE. True confession: I like the wrestling. I used to work in Pay-Per-View...and though I looked after promoting the movies, we also had the sport arm of Pay-Per-View in our group - including the WWE. So I saw a lot of Pay-Per-View events and even went to a few live shows when they were touring Aussie, and met a few of the wrestlers through work. So...yeah! There you go!

Here's The Miz...

Time to check out the promo!





Hey there Casifer and Crowley not in the synopsis but in the promo! Crowley dressed sharp again. THANK GOODNESS THAT UNCOMFORTABLE DOG STUFF IS DONE WITH! Come on Crowley! Kick Lucifer's butt!


Now for sneak peek number 1!!


This is adorbs. Though fanboying at a funeral probably constitutes bad fanboy behaviour! I'm guessing Dean is the one with the fond memories of wrestling! Sam seems less enamoured and more amused by Dean! He's being Judgey McJudgerson again!!

And oh heys there Clif!

And here is another sneak peek - equally as adorable!

Seriously...Dean is me at a the Js panels! on the inside...though sometimes on the outside...


And here's a clip via the WWE that features The Miz (and a little bit of Dean)! Click here! Might get a different audience for this episode - maybe some WWE fans might discover HOW DAMN AWESOME OUR SHOW IS!

So maybe we'll go into this hiatus on happy Winchester feels... WHO AM I KIDDING! There's bound to be something to make us sweat for 4 weeks. I KNOW YOU SUPERNATURAL! I KNOW YOUR CRUEL NATURE!

Geesh, Supernatural! Look what you've done to me! I'm preempting my feels before I even have them!

Have fun with the wrestling episode, guys!

Read sweetondean's thoughts on last week's episode here
You can follow sweetondean on Twitter @AmyinSydney
For advice on attending conventions check out sweetondean's spncontips tumblr

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