
Sunday 3 May 2015

Those Supernatural Boys Are Tough Mudders!

Oh joyous, happy day, fandom! For today we were treated with a spectacle none of us were expecting. Wet and muddy Supernatural boys!

We knew that Jensen and Jared were training for something, they'd teased that in one of their videos to promote the Always Keep Fighting campaign...the first...but not the last time we'd be seeing Jensen resplendent in a sweat band.

Then the first of the photos started to drop and suddenly we all knew what those boys had been training for, the Central Texas Tough Mudder.

Jensen, Jared and Osric were wearing Kings of Con t-shirts...Team Kings of Con, in support of Rob Benedict and Richard Speight, Jr's comedy, that they're currently crowd funding through Indiegogo
(via @shannonalexis17)

Then the Kings of Con themselves posted a photo! 
It seems this Tough Mudder was a real SPN Family affair!

After that, the photos with fans started flowing!

There were the post race before cleanup photos - of wet and muddy Jensen and Jared.

Cleaned up Jensen, Jared and Osric. Jensen's muddy hair is particularly epic

Post race beer tent Team Kings of Con where we also see Jason Manns and his beard were part of the team. I believe Jason's beard paid a separate entry fee and had its own t-shirt and sweat band...
via @Myles_Herzog

Then Jared treated us to a wet and muddy team shot. 
Note Jensen, as usual, truly committing to the photo-op pose!
"@jarpad This is how @JensenAckles @RobBenedict @dicksp8jr @OsricChau @jasonmanns #AlwaysKeepFighting "

A zoom in for reasons.

Robbie Thompson had thoughts about Jared's photo!

This fan, got an incredibly drippy, completely drenched Js photo - bless her!

More mud. More epicness. More Blue Steel.

In this photo we got to see that Danneel and Gen were also at the event. 
They are behind Jensen, Gen with the hat, D in the shorts.

Jared's turn! Bet the Js took each other's pics here as they look like the reverse angles!

The Js looking clean - yet quite beardy with a Super-fan!

This fan's year was apparently made! We get it.
Thank you @JensenAckles for taking a pic with me and a friend! You dont know how much this means to me! Made my year! 

Thank you so much @jarpad for taking a picture with me! I know you were tired after that race, but this made my year! 

Jensen, Jason and Rich hanging out post race.

Jared and a fan

Jared and Gen
source unknown

Jensen, Rich and a fan.
source unknown

Jensen muddy, with a fan

The Js (and Osric peaking through in the background) post race. Jensen looking mighty pleased with himself, the guy next to him looking mighty pleased that he's next to him!

Jensen wasn't the only one having an epic hair-do day! How about Jared's high man-pony?
And I have no clue what Jason and his beard are up to.
Also, is that their ages on their backs?!!

More muddy, happy, Jensen and Jared with some fans!

Jensen kindly shared a photo of him and his buddy Jason after the race
"@JensenAckles What did you do yesterday? "
Well Jensen, yesterday I mostly talked about what you were doing yesterday!

Then Jason tweeted a photo of him, Rich and Rob the day after.
Looks like they're on the plane heading home.
 "@jasonmanns Day after the #toughmudderATX & our faces are smiling but our muscles cry out in agony. @RobBenedict @dicksp8jr "

It was wonderful to see the Supernatural family in action. Our gorgeous and fabulous cast, all hanging together on their time off, raising money for charity, supporting their buddies' creative endeavours, and obviously having a tonne of fun. It's days like this I feel so lucky to have this show, these people, this family in my life...and not just because Jensen looks ridiculously good covered in mud, hair sticking on end, resplendent in a sweat band (though I feel pretty damn lucky to have that too!)

It was a fun day...totally distracting to the point where I did little else but talk on twitter about our gloriously muddy boys! I can think of worse ways to spend my Sunday!

Now Osric, where's that GoPro video!


MERRY CHRISTMAS SUPERNATURAL FANDOM! Okay I know it's not Christmas, but it sure as hell feels like it!

The Supernatural tough mudder boys in action!

Here! Have some muddy bowlegs and peeking out from under the mud, Saxx undies! It's the Js in full glory, in full action, side by side, wet and muddy, possibly with a Priestly mohawk created in mud, did I mention wet and muddy?

Oh...and they're wet and muddy.

All pics are from here


JENSEN - 66911
JARED - 16617
OSRIC - 66910
ROB - 66909
RICH - 16620
JASON 16619

Apparently this is call the Pole Dancer!

Oh heys, is that you Priestly?

Oh heys Osric!

And here's Rich!

Awwww Rob <3

Next we have the Kiss of Mud

Jensen and his adorable headband - okay, sweatband - wiggling through the mud

 Jared and his man pony wiggling through the mud

Apparently this is called the Dead Ringer...because it leaves the fandom...DEAD!

Epic bowlegs are epic AND muddy


And here's Team Kings of Con, post race!

Close up for reasons


How about these late additions!


This is just too much. #strongertogether

Jensen talked about this one at AHBL6 in Sydney. 
Lot's of hanging live electrical wires! Os got zapped a beauty. Jensen acted it out!
Jensen did not much care for this one but he said he and the guys just charged through! Boys!


  1. Oh please please please....I need the video more than I need air to breathe.
    Thanks for the photo set and pointing out Gen and Daneel. We all wondered if they were there laughing their asses off.

  2. LOL how long do you think the GoPro stayed on his head? Love this wrap up! Thank you!

  3. This was INCREDIBLE fun. Thank you so much for collecting the pics and sharing with us! You are so right. We are one lucky fandom.

  4. I'm glad to see the cast (past and present) still hanging around and supporting each others projects. This looks like it was a great day.

  5. Thanks for keeping us all in the 'know'! I was wondering what they were up to! So nice to see them all having fun together and supporting each other!

  6. These guys, this spn cast/family is just too, too much. Nowhere else does this exist to this extent. At least I don't think so. And probably never will again. They are all just the cream of the crop. And a sight to behold, especially when several of them get together. Thanks for putting it all in one spot.

  7. Ahw. Thank you for putting all the pics in one place. After squeeing all day all over Twitter, it was a nice round up of the weekend to see the whole story put together:) These guys. *chinhands*

  8. I have never been drawn into a cast in a personal way like I have with this group. I mean I've been a huge fan of other shows and I'm not young, but I have never felt so engaged by a show enough to follow the cast IRL. And I was so moved that I bought a tote for the AlwaysKeepFighting campaign.

    Thank you for posting this :)

  9. Great event, great cause, and fabulous to see our boys out supporting it. The muddy, wet images cement this into an even better event - for us! LOL.

    Did you also see the picture of Jared taken from the side, showing off his pony tail? Cute, and so practical. And both Js had the good sense to wear skins under their t-shirts. We don't want injuries or scrapes.

  10. have I told u lately I LOVE u..xx00xx

  11. And to make the day even better according to Richard they all went back to Jensen's house and watched the big fight. Oh to be a fly on the wall.

  12. Thank you so much for collecting all of these together!

    Also, Rob & Rich just said on their Kings of Con ustream that Misha, Matt, Mark S, Gil and Seb were all invited but unable to join in - but may well do "next time". Eeek!

  13. Rob Benedict finally posted the video!

  14. Rob Benedict finally posted the video!
