
Wednesday 9 July 2014

Supernatural Season 10 gets underway!


A momentous day for the cast and crew of Supernatural and fans of the show all over the world, the first day of filming Supernatural Season 10!

We know Jensen was on set...because he was directing! There were a tonne of selfies with Jared from Austin airport (one of which, he was still wearing his sling!), so Jared had headed back to Vancouver and later tweeted that he'd been on set that day. The svelte Mark Sheppard had also tweeted that he was back in Vancouver and Mr Collins was tweeting up a storm all morning and probably working up his dastardly plans to get revenge on Jensen's pie in the face prank!

The crew excitedly tweeted about getting back to work to make the best show out there...

Location manager Russ kicked it off...

Then Clif, bodyguard, driver and buddy, did a bit of his usual teasing of one of his best mates...

Executive Producer Jim Michaels tweeted a pic of the shooting white board updated!

Writer Robbie Thompson offered his support...

Russ kept us up to date...

and tweeted a pic of the flags that celebrate various milestones and achievements...200 will be up there soon!

Production Co-Oridinator Jason marked the moment day 1 kicked off...

Russ shared with us the unpacking of the crew window decals (I have one from season 8!)...

Director Guy Bee, in Vancouver working on another show and set to direct Supernatural again this season, added his support to his friends...

First Assistant Director, and sometime director, Kevin Parks kept us up to date with shooting progress...

Misha answered a fan who wondered if he'd pranked Jensen back, for Jensen's pie in the face prank while Misha was directing last season...

Tammie from Locations enjoyed her first day back...

Our favourite Moose got home safe and sound after his first day of shooting...

And Jim Michaels joined in the celebration...kinda...

Suzanne Gomez, CW publicist, had a question for Jared! Everyone is making fun of Jensen it seems!

But Jim sorted this one out... Finishing early is becoming a Jensen trademark!

Guy Bee also wondered if there were any pies in faces...

As did Superwiki...

But Jim Michaels answered that one...

Supernatural composer Jay joined the twitter party...

And Production Designer Jerry Wanek made us all warm and fuzzy with his lovely tweet...

So, that was the first day of shooting of Supernatural Season 10! Not a lot of shows go 10 seasons and we all join everyone in celebrating such a wonderful achievement!

And just to show how excited the fans were...they did some twitter trending!

Congratulations to the cast and crew of the best little show that could, on continuing to kick it in the ass, and kicking off what is sure to be another great chapter in the epic story of the Winchester Brothers.



1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for putting this together on your page, Amy...Your blog is the ONLY one I read for my SPN/Jensen "fix"! Marcie Orcutt (Sorry my profile is Anonymous...Someday I'll take the time to figure out how to be UN-Anonymous.)
