
Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Light on Spoilers, Heavy on Squee Preview of Supernatural 9.17 "Mother's Little Helper"

Yes, I've been at Vegascon! Have you seen all my pics? I hope you like them! It was a brilliant convention and I had a wonderful time, (I will try to get a report of sorts done at some point...listen out for a WoL podcast soon) but I got super sick...thankfully right at the end of the holiday...and am down for the count with a lurgy. So I didn't think I was going to be able to preview this week, but I suddenly thought I would...I'm just doing it from bed!

And as the episode is on in 3 hours, I better make this quick!

Here we go!

When last we saw Sam and Dean, Dean was feeling the surge of power brought on by the Mark of Cain and the First Blade and Sam was gently talking him down. By the way, who didn't squee when Sam assertively said "TAKE ME TO MY BROTHER"! Squeeeee! And UNF!  Um yes, this relationship is all business. Pfft! That may have been my favourite line of the season!

Anyhooo... I digress as usual.

When last we saw Crowley, he was kicking a nasty human blood habit and scarpering off with the First Blade.

When last we saw Baby, she'd been tagged! NOOOOOO!

When last we saw Castiel, he was getting a PIE IN THE FACE because he was directing this episode! Or at least Misha was.

Yes, this is the pie in the face episode! The directorial debut of none other than Misha Collins!

Let's look at the synopsis.

MISHA COLLINS MAKES HIS DIRECTING DEBUT — Dean (Jensen Ackles) struggles with the after effects of the Mark of Cain.  Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) hears about a case where straight-laced people are turning into violent murderers.  Sam suspects possession and suggests to Dean that they investigate, but Dean tells him to go without him.  While interviewing the local townsfolk, Sam meets an elderly woman named Julia (guest star Jenny O’Hara), who tells him the Men of Letters came to town in 1958.  Julia tells Sam the story of a young man named Henry Winchester (guest star Gil McKinney) and his female companion, Josie Sands (guest star Alaina Huffman).  While Sam is away, Crowley (Mark Sheppard) tests Dean. Misha Collins directed the episode written by Adam Glass (#917).

I love the Men of Letters and I'm genuinely excited to learn more about them and more about grandpappy, Henry Winchester. It'll also be interesting to see Alaina Huffman play pre-Abaddon Abaddon.

Now, nothing good ever happens when these boys go off on their own and Dean is super vulnerable to anything right now...and by anything I mean Crowley.

I have a feeling Crowley and Dean are going to get more and more in cahoots as the Mark of Cain and the lure of the First Blade truly takes hold of Dean body and soul. As much as this freaks me the hell out, I'm also looking forward to it because I feel like I'm going to dig (whilst crying buckets of tears) this road Dean is on and I love the Dean/Crowley banter and whatnot. I also have feels that it's going to lead Sam to reach out to try and pull Dean back from the brink of darkness and destruction and I'm really hoping that will happen. Like, a lot. Sam is and will always be Dean's anchor and just seeing how he brought Dean around in last week's episode may be a precursor of what's to come. Fingers and all other crossable extremities, crossed.

Okay, let's look at the CW promo.

So it sounds like when Sam heads off on the case, alone, Dean's not going to be at the door with a packed lunch waving him goodbye! I can see huffing going on on both sides! But if it leads to new info on Abaddon, that's got to be good...except I feel like Dean should most definitely not be left on his own right now, because...he's obviously rather susceptible to... Crowley. That smooth and loveable bastard is going to try to play Dean like a Stradivarius given half the chance.

How about the (super hot) preview clip

There is something so very very very very very hot about how Dean racks up those balls into a triangle before he gets the triangle. Can anyone say misspent youth? God DAMN boy! Whew. 

Sorry, where was I? Oh yes... DEAN... what? Right.

I love how flirty Crowley always is. Just love it to pieces. And I love how now, it just kind of washes over Dean. Their banter has become such a delight to watch play out. Jensen and Mark have a wonderful chemistry. But then again, so do Jared and Mark. I think Mark is just all chemistry. Yep...pretty much.

Personally, I think Dean probably feels powerful, virile and afraid fairly regularly, but the First Blade is obviously all the feelings and taking him to a different place mentally and emotionally.

This really is a parallel to Sam's demon blood thing isn't it. I absolutely adore that, because if you look at what the brother's go through, they always mirror each other. Each goes to Hell, each tries for a normal life, each has a visit to Purgatory, etc. etc. Dean's never been overpowered by the supernatural like Sam has, so this is Dean's chance to see the story from the other side. I think this parallelling is all about understanding. To have these shared experiences allows the brothers greater understanding of each other...or at least it should! Whatever, I love it like, a lot. Always have.

Okay, CHCH promo!

Oh Crowley! I loves him.

I like this promo because I'm looking forward to seeing that conversation between Sam and Dean and how it plays out. I'm enjoying Sam, sort of, I don't know, not coming around but...well I guess his love and worry for Dean is now starting to overtake his hurt and anger. Which feels very real to me, because even when you're pissed with someone, you love them and if they start to worry you, you can't help but worry for them, no matter how hurt you are. If that makes sense.

For me, these interactions between the brothers since the whole Gadreel fiasco blew up have felt grounded in real feelings and that's why I've been able to cope with it all as well as I have, because though painful and heartbreaking, the feelings seem so true to life to me that I'm enjoying seeing them evolve. I know many do not feel the same way, but I think the Sam and Dean stuff and how it's subtly sifting in tone as the circumstances around them shift, has been bloody brilliant.

Hey look! Promo pics!

Psst Dean, he's behind you.

This is possibly the funniest promo photo EVER. I can not wait to see this scene!

Angry moose is angry...

I have one word for this shot... HAIR!

I think I have that jacket! Seriously. I wear it to work sometimes with my plaid shirt over a black t-shirt, with jeans and boots and Dean's amulet and NO ONE KNOWS I'M COSPLAYING DEAN! I really do that. It makes me laugh!

I guess he did not like the service! Though just not leaving a tip would have been more appropriate!

I'm sorry Henry, but your grandsons do priest WAY BETTER.

That's a very pretty priest and nun duo.

She is really rather magnificent, isn't she.

Um. Nun's can be so strict.

Now some pics of Misha directing!

I bet that Sam shirt is selling especially well about now... yes I have the Dean one.

Nawwww (though Dean's back on the hard stuff and that is NOT GOOD)

I loves them. Yes all three. Though maybe one the most. Guess which. HA!

Here are links to a couple of interviews with Misha about directing this episode.

And because.... it never, ever gets old!

Well that was fun!

Enjoy the episode everyone!



  1. Yep, I am very happy the boys are seeming to be getting closer to being the huggy brothers we once enjoyed. I am very worried for Dean but hopeful that Sam will be his anchor and pull him out of the dark. Crowley is always about Crowley so what is he up to exactly time will tell. Some more Henry/Abbadon back story will be interesting I'm sure.

    And you are so right about the Jensen giving Misha pie in the face clip. It never gets old. Jensen is just so proud of himself being able to pull it off and right after Jared had gotten him earlier on set also. Well I've got 4 more hours to go here on the west coast before I get my SPN fix but in the mean time, thank you Amy for another squee review.

  2. I totally agree with everything! Since I am currently fueding with 2 of my bros, and found myself in that very same position of being dreadfully worried while still being hurt at what had been said to me, I can relate. And I find I'm not so mad at Sam. And I think I'll go tweet my bros. Fueding is stupid. For damn sure THEY won't extend the olive branch.

  3. Why is Abbanun choking Sam? Kind of anxiously dreading (in a very much looking forward to kind of way) tonight's episode.

  4. I had to log on just to say "Yes!!" to the racking of the balls (which sounds quite funny..yet painful! Ha!) I must have rewatched that clip 5 times. Holy moley!!!

    And of course - I agree with everything else you say as always! Feel better soon!
