
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Supernatural News: The Week That Was - February 2 Edition.

Sorry! I'm a bit tardy with this week's Supernatural News wrap up! I've had a crazy week with stupid life stuff. (Stupid life getting in the way of what's important...SUPERNATURAL!).

I'll kick off this past week's news with more fantastic ratings!

"Sharp Teeth" was another ratings bonanza! Hitting a 1.2 with 2.79million viewers! A 1.2!

It was the most watched episode since October 2010 and the highest teen's ratings since February 2009!

Um. This is season 9 guys, we're seriously not supposed to be doing this!

This is from TV By The Numbers

"Last night's Supernatural was the series' most watched (2.79M) episode since 10/15/2010. It matched its season highs in A18-34 (1.1/3), A18-49 (1.2/3), and W18-34 (1.4/4), and had its best W18-49 since 5/13/10 (1.4/3).

It was Supernatural's best rating among teens (1.6/6) since 2/5/09 and Matched its second best female teen rating ever on The CW (2.1/7)"

"Over on the CW, which did not air the State of the Union...

At 9 p.m., as the only entertainment programming against the address, Supernatural (1.2 adults) lifted from last week's showing to match a season high and hit its biggest viewership (2.8 million) since 2010. The network posted a nightly average of a 1.1 rating among adults 18-49 and 2.5 million viewers."

Nice work, Little Show That Could!

On the Nielsen Twitter Rankings, Supernatural came in the 4th most tweeted about show of the week! (Remember to #tag people!)

These twitter rankings don't go towards ratings numbers, but they are an excellent tool for the network and advertisers for better understanding and targeting specific audience groups via online content, promoted tweets etc. and can give advertisers insight into possible program audiences which can help with content placement. I'm a true believer in Social Media interaction being an important part of the television viewing research landscape.

And just to wrap up "Sharp Teeth" here are a couple of behind the scenes photos from the episode via guest stars.

Via Matt Hammer

And via DJ

Here's something to be proud of! The Supernatural episode "LARP and the Real Girl" has been nominated for a GLAAD Media award. The GLAAD Media Awards recognise and honour media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the issues that affect their lives.

This is the 3rd GLAAD nomination for Supernatural. Previous episodes nominated were Ghostfacers in 2009, which featured gay Ghostfacers intern Corbett and The Real Ghostbusters in 2010 which featured gay LARPing couple, Demian and Barnes.

We should all be proud of our show.

There was also a whole lot of new information on the Supernatural spinoff! We now have a title: "Supernatural: Tribes". We know that the pilot is being produced as part of Supernatural season 9. Episode 9.20 - written by Andrew Dabb and directed by Bob Singer - will be what is called a "backdoor" pilot and will introduce characters that will then spinoff into the new show.

"Supernatural: Tribes will be set in Chicago and centre around 5 warring and powerful monster families and a Hunter named, Ennis Roth. The Ennis Roth character will come in contact with Sam and Dean in Supernatural episode 9.20 and be introduced to the hunting life.

There's more information in my post here.

This week we also got the casting news via TV|Line:

ENNIS ROTH | The de-facto star of the potential series, Ennis is “likeable, strong-willed, resolute, with a strong sense of justice.” He’s the son of a cop who grew up in poverty. He’s en route to the police academy himself when someone he is close to is murdered — presumably by some kind of monster. He meets up with Sam and Dean and “learns the staggering truth” that Chicago is run by five families of monsters (including, but perhaps not limited to, werewolves and shape shifters). And with that, a new monster-hunter is born. Fun fact: Producers are looking to fill this role with an African-American actor in his early 20s.
DAVID HAYDEN | A shape-shifter from one of Chicago’s ruling monster families. He’s been living as a human for some time, but a tragedy propels him back into the life. David is in his early 20s.
MARGO HAYDEN | David’s “professional, strong-willed, determined, ambitious” shape-shifter sister. She’s an “ex-punk rocker gone corporate” who sets out to be the new head of the family in the wake of a tragedy. Margo is in her early 20s.
VIOLET DURANT | A werewolf and part of the wealthy, powerful Durant family. In a twist right out of West Side Story, the early-twentysomething is hot for family rival David (see above), but their love is forbidden.
JULIAN DURANT | Violet’s “savagely handsome, strong, arrogant” twentysomething brother and Ennis’ arch nemesis.
FREDDIE COSTA | A world-weary copy in his 30s, Freddie has a soft spot in his heart for Ennis (he knew his dad back in the day). Fun fact: Freddie’s got a secret.

This pilot has been ordered, so is now officially on the slate for the CW's 2014 pilot schedule.

What are your thoughts? Definitely an ensemble show!

Jenny Klein - no not the one with the beating hearts cupcakes but her namesake, the Supernatural writer - headed to Vancouver this week to watch her episode being filmed. This is the episode with the Ghostfacers' return!

Remember these guys!

Jenny got a tour of the MoL bunker and posted some cool photos on her twitter! Thanks for sharing these great snaps, Jenny!

Last week, some fans managed to catch some filming and had a great experience!

You can read all about it here at gabrielsfeatherybutt.tumblr but long story short - the guys went over and met the fans and were nice enough to take a photo with them! But read the story too, because it's super cute.

And because I thought it might be nice to end on a sweet tweet from Jared... 

Here's a lovely photo of his sons, Thomas and Shepherd, that he shared with us. Now don't tell me this doesn't give you all sorts of Sam and Dean feels! As Jules said to me the other day, Gen better stay out of the nursery in six months time!

And that my friends, is all the Supernatural news fit to print!

Have a wonderful Winchestery week everyone!

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