
Monday 20 January 2014

Spoilers Sweeties! What's next for Sam and Dean?

So... they broke up. Again. This time, it was Dean who walked away, deciding he was too poisonous to be around, even for Sam. *sigh*

Well, what's next? Will they find their way back to each other (yes, d'uh). Jared talked to Vlada Gleman at TV|Line.

Jared predicts that, "it’s going to take something big” to bridge the gulf between them.
“They’re handling it as you expect them to,” Padalecki adds of the conflict. “Sam kind of goes introverted and Dean goes forward. Sam is more the kind of guy that thinks something out and says, ‘Well, you know, this is where you messed up [and] this is why I’m upset.’… It’s nice dichotomy to catch on camera and, hopefully, Jensen [Ackles] and I get a chance to do a good job with it.”

Meanwhile, Sam will be dealing with the residual effects from Gadreel’s stint in his body. “It’s more emotional than literal and physical, but he certainly is still feeling the bruises,” admits Padalecki.

Okay. We need something big pronto. It sounds like the brothers are going to be working together eventually, well episode 9.12 for sure, but probably not dealing. Again. 

I want to shake them! They need to talk. They are the worst communicators in the history of communicating, meaning the history of the world! I hope Sam says all the somethings he thinks out in his out loud voice and Dean listens. Dean... listen. 

Both are going to be hurting emotionally. You know who they need to get them through this time... THEIR BROTHER. GAH. Boys. Dumbasses. (I loves them).

Jared goes on to discuss the spinoff and how excited he is. You can read the whole interview here.

Over at Screenfad, Clarissa has more from The Carver about what to expect from this week's episode.

Dean and Crowley are on a mission to find the "first sword" so that Crowley can take on Abaddon. The "first sword" is owned by the first son, Cain, played by Psych star, Timothy Omundson. 

But Crowley and Dean working together?  Dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria...

Here's what Carver had to say.

”Dean and Crowley have an especially juicy relationship in terms of being two foes who are constantly butting heads with each other and getting one-up on each other. To see them, for lack of a better term, being in a buddy cop episode, we really play into all the fun there of these two opposites being forced to work together, which also turns into something quite interesting and unique when it comes to their relationship.”

Awesome! I'm loving this whole idea. LOVING IT!

What about Sam, what will he be up to? Well, he'll be back at the bunker (yay!) recuperating and Castiel will be by his side.

"...what we’re going to see are two guys who are, if not rediscovering, are aware of the parallels in their journeys and I think that’s part of their experience together in [this] episode. I think you’ll see both dealing with each other in a way that directly corresponds to the journeys they’ve taken so far this season, as you were saying. It’s impossible for them not to do what they’re setting out to do in that episode without being affected by what’s happened so far with this season. They’re dealing with a lot of issues together.”

I like the idea of Sam and Cas finally having some time together to talk. I've always thought they'd have an excellent understanding of each other, but they've never had much of a chance to hang out and discover that.

The thing is, what is often so interesting for the brothers is to see themselves and their relationship reflected back at them. It's the outsiders who have a clearer picture of the brothers because the brothers are so close, they can't see the good of who they are and what they have for the trees (or the hurt and lies). 

We've had Jody this season say to Sam that what he has with Dean is something special, the kind of something people search for but that Sam and Dean already have. With Crowley's lingering humanity and obvious, begrudging affection for Moose and Squirrel and with Castiel's understanding of the brothers and deep connection to them, hopefully the boys will be in the company of two people who can shake them up, open their eyes and make them think. I'm sure Cas will be taking this role with Sam and I hope, Dean's time with Crowley will be equally as illuminating.

Jeremy goes on to give some more juicy detail about Cain and what the introduction of this character will mean for the mythology of the Winchester brothers. You can read the whole interview here.

As usual, I choose to go forward with optimism. Optimism that these brothers of ours get to where they need to be emotionally to finally understand what they mean to each other. I mean, they know that of course...they just forget sometimes. 

That conversation that they started in "Sacrifice", that they couldn't continue because of what happened to Sam, they need to continue that conversation. That was simply the start of the healing, now it's time to understand each other and what they have and mend their broken relationship once and for all. It took 4 seasons for them to say those words in "Sacrifice", I don't expect them to be all lollipops and rainbows overnight, or ever probably, but happy together...that's all I want for them because I think it's all they want.

Here's hoping.


  1. I hope Sam listens too, if and when they finally talk. Dean does get pretty blind when it comes to Sam. He will choose Sam, no matter what and no matter the cost, but (at least from my perspective) Sam chooses everything over Dean, each time. Whether it is "normal" life, revenge, Ruby, not looking for Dean when he was stuck in purgatory, or at the beginning of the season, even death. Dean's biggest fear is losing everyone he loves and he needs to hear from Sam that he is there because he wants to be. Everyone always seems to clamor for the end of the "co-dependency" between the brothers, but I feel their co-dependence is their strength. Their unbreakable bond is the glue that holds this story together. In "real" life maybe it would be a healthier thing, but this is the Supernatural universe and it's made of family bonds, love and sacrifice. I am not tired of their co-dependence, but I am tired of Sam always wanting to be gone when all Dean wants is his brother in the passenger seat, together on a hunt. Can we please have Sam stay because he feels his place is at his brother's side? For once, please? I am so tired of the "one more job and I am gone" Sam and guilty Dean. Maybe this time, Dean could be the one in trouble and Sam could be the one to have to make the tough call and do everything in his power to save his brother. Talk about gaining perspective. That is my hope.

    1. I will never tire of their co-dependency, it's one of the aspects I love about their relationship, that need for each other. I believe Sam needs Dean too, it just shows in different ways. In the way that he craves Dean's approval. In the way he feels he always lets Dean down. In the way he can be hurt by Dean's words and carry that with him. They both fear the same thing, losing the love of their brother.

      I want Sam to say to Dean what Dean has said to Sam, it's you above all else, but I'm not sure that's who Sam is. I think he's more balanced in his love, but I don't believe his love is any less.

      But yes, I want that too, because as much as Sam needs to hear Dean believes in and trust him, Dean desperately needs to hear that Sam loves and needs Dean. I'm not sure Dean knows or believes that... This is the conversation they need to have.

      One thing though that I was incredibly impressed with, even though Sam let Dean walk away, Sam didn't. Sam went home. Sam went back to the bunker. In the past, I'm not so sure he would have done that. In the past it's always been Sam who has chosen to leave, but this time, it looks like he's chosen to stay and that seems like a huge leap forward.

      I believe these two love each other above all else. I just think circumstances keep getting in the way of that love being let to be just that, love, without all the hurt that they seem to be able to inflict on each other.

      My great hope, how ever it happens, is that they recognise that. They recognise and acknowledge and accept it. They're always going to fight and they're always going to disagree, they're different men living in an extreme world together, but my hope is that they realise that all the times they've said, we're better together, is actually true. They are.

      Thanks for you comment. I too hope they get there and I hope it's Sam who reaches out and makes those first steps towards healing for them both.
