
Sunday 29 December 2013

Supernatural Fandom Favourite Moments - The Women of Letters Podcast 2013 Wrap Up


What was your favourite Supernatural fandom moment of 2013? Was it the People's Choice Awards and seeing our boys all gussied up on stage? Was it the Supernatural Shake video, the Mishapocalypse, getting to go to a convention or helping Saxx underwear sort out a gift pack for Jared?

In the latest Women of Letters podcast, Jules from Superwiki and I talk some of the highlights of fandom's whirlwind 2013!

It's our final podcast for the year, but don't worry, we'll be back with more Supernatural love (complete with Aussie accents) in 2014!

To everyone who's listened to our ramblings and to everyone who's sent us feedback, thanks so much for joining in the fun! We appreciate the hell out of it! We love this show, we love this fandom and we love talking about it!

If you'd like to email us with any suggestions or feedback or just to say hi, you can contact us at or you can contact me via the form on the sidebar ----->

So without further ado, please click to enjoy The Women of Letters Supernatural Podcast Episode 16: 2013 Fandom Shenanigans.

Don't forget, you can also download us on iTunes. Subscribe to make sure you don't miss an episode!

And to all my wonderful friends, many of whom I've met at conventions, many of whom I've met online, thanks for having my back in 2013. You guys rock my world on a daily basis!

As always, thanks for your support. Have a safe and happy New Year!
-Amy (sweetondean)

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the podcast. As I mentioned on twitter, I was listening to you and Jules talking about the conventions and I couldn't help but glance up at the VanCon photographs on my wall and get a bit misty-eyed in remembrance of such a great weekend. I think you once told me that there was no such thing as too many conventions and now I totally understand. I'm hooked and there's no hope for me ;)

    Going to VanCon was definitely my favourite Supernatural fandom moment, but specifically the highlight was attending Jared's meet and greet. He bounded into the room with such unbridled enthusiasm for us (the fans) and the show. It was impossible to not get even more excited about season 9 in the presence of this giant of a man.

    I was also very thrilled to chat to both Robbie Thompson and Felicia Day about the episode Pac-man Fever. My father read The Hobbit (and the Lord of the Rings) to me when I was a child. When he passed away I read a section of the opening chapter at his funeral. So, when Charlie took out the book to read to her mother in the final scene, I completely lost it. Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have imagined that an episode of Supernatural would make me think about my Dad. And never, in my wildest dreams, would I have imagined having the opportunity to tell Robbie & Felicia how their writing and acting respectively affected me. It was amazing. Felicia was so gracious - she thanked me for sharing the story with her - and Robbie told me about his Dad, who used to read The Hobbit to him. He has also passed away three years ago.

    I really love that our show connects with people on so many different levels. And I hope to get back to VanCon in 2014.
