
Sunday 28 August 2011

New tattoos...Supernatural style!

So, this happened today...

I added to my tattoo collection. These two make 6 and 3 Supernatural themed tattoos.

I got my first Supernatural themed tattoo, 'faith' after LACon. I got it for a couple of reasons. I believe you have to have faith. Faith in yourself, faith in the people around you and faith in what makes you happy. But that's not the real reason I got this. At LACon I had a lot of people telling me not to be too excited about meeting Jensen. That he was standoffish, that he never smiled, that he wouldn't touch. I had so many people telling me this, but I just wouldn't listen, because I had faith. I had faith that the man that I'm crazy about would live up to my expectations. I had faith that all the wonderful things I had read about him, all the wonderful things his co-stars had said about him, his commitment to his friends and family, I had faith that all these things would shine through and be reflected in who he is and I would be able to see this. My faith was reward a million fold, because Jensen was more than I could have ever hoped for. He smiled, was warm and friendly, hugged. His heart and soul simply shined through. He was even more beautiful on the inside than on the outside, if that's even fathomable. Also, and in no way insignificantly, Faith is my favourite episode of Supernatural. So it works on a lot levels.

The two I got today are; Japanese script of Supernatural and the quote "We keep each other human"

I loved the idea of having the show title cut into my skin. It's just that important to me. I loved the idea of sitting it next to faith. But I'm one for the obtuse, I didn't want an obviously Supernatural inspired tattoo, so I got this created and I adore it. It says Supernatural, but no-one will know. It's my secret Supernatural tattoo!

"We keep each other human" is something that Dean says to Sam at the end of The End. I loved this quote from him, because beyond everything, the Angels, the Devil, the fact that they were both vessels, he is still all about his brother. Heaven and Hell were ripping them apart, but in a moment of clarity, Dean knew, no matter what, Sam and him had to stay together. Whether he thought it was a great idea, whether he thought he could trust Sam, it didn't matter, because in the end, all that's important is their relationship, his brother, his family. Without each other they are lost. Two halves of one whole.  They are all they've got. They keep each other human. To me this quote defines Dean and defines the brother's relationship. The fact that it's also a favourite episode written by Ben Edlund my favourite writer, just adds to it's meaning.

So there we go. One thing I can guarantee you, these will not be my last! In fact my friend Hazel (who also has 'faith' and will be getting the Japanese script of Supernatural) and I will be getting a little something something while we're in the States, for Chicago con, seeing our boy Jensen, who bought us together and is responsible for so much pleasure and a little bit of pain in our lives.


  1. Don't ever ever ever, believe what people may tell you about something or someone you really love. Jensen is so shy you can see that from videos or even images, that's because people gets comments like that.
    Those are really beatiful tattos!! :D

    1. Oh and the Chicago a J ...but most people can't tell! :)

  2. Thank you for the comment! I've met Jensen 3 times now and each time I'm more blown away by what gracious man he is. He's so sweet natured, very gentle and humble but with a fun, teasing, cheeky side. Honestly...the more you meet him the hard it is to walk away.... :)
