
Friday 10 November 2017

sweetondean's Light on Spoilers, Heavy on Squee Preview of Supernatural 13x05 "Advanced Thanatology"

Welcome to the preview for the fifth episode of season 13! Five already! 

And it looks like it might be a bit creepy...because....this guy!



Sam and Dean cleared the air, owned some of their emotions and talked a bunch.
Jack saved Sam, which went a long way to finally making headway with Dean.
Cas woke up in The Empty.
A Cas came back to earth.... but which Cas is it!?


The boys go on an old school ghost hunt together! Weeeeeee!

Okay - here's the synopsis

“Advanced Thanatology”
While working on a case involving the ghost of a demented doctor, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) get assistance from an unexpected source – Billie (guest star Lisa Berry). Castiel (Misha Collins) finds his way back to the Winchesters. John Showalter directed the episode written by Steve Yockey (#1305).

Oooo good synopsis, and a bit spoilery really. Lots of surprises! Or not so surprising anymore surprises. Like Billie...that'd be dead Billie the Reaper. Or not so dead Billie. And Cas gets back to the boys...which I predict will be the end of the episode - like they get back to the bunker after the hunt, walking down the bunker stairs chatting, and BOOM there's Cas standing there in the middle of the room. Cut to black. Maybe. But which Cas is it who has returned? Real Cas or Empty Cas? Hmmmmm.... And I wonder where Jack is in all of this? Binging Clone Wars? 

Thanatology, by the way, is... the scientific study of death. It investigates the mechanisms and forensic aspects of death, such as bodily changes that accompany death and the post-mortem period, as well as wider psychological and social aspects related to death.  Hmmmmmm

Steve Yockey joined the writing team in season 12 and last season wrote a couple of crackers, 12x06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox and 12x10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets.

John Showalter has been directing the show since season 5.

I do love an old school hunt with torches and ghosts and the brothers together getting down to the family business.

Okay, let's check out the promo...

That ghost doc with the drill looks super freaky! What's a bet one of the brothers ends up moments away from being lobotomised before being rescued by the other brother! Or maybe not, but if we're going to go old school, let's go all the way! Someone needs to get tied to a chair!

It'll be interesting to see where Sam and Dean are at after the airing of their feels last week, and coming to a place where they both now know exactly just how broken their brother is by everything that's will there be more conversations about that...about Jack? Or will it all be put on the back burner as we focus on a job.

Just some....
pretty... last week we weirdly didn't get a sneak peek...but this week...YAY!

Bros. Bless. Just, BLESS! I love them so much. Okay, so I guess Sam's trying to cheer Dean up, after Dean confessing last week that he's basically lost faith in everything (except Sam who he trusts to keep the faith for both of them)? Is that what's here, Sam giving Dean all of his favourite things, to try to make him feel better! Awwwww. I love this kind of scene, the boys being the boys we love. Brother moments are my favourite thing ever! Probably in life! 🤣 And I guffawed at the end - Sam trying to talk the stripper into going to nursing school. Too damn funny and too damn Sam. The writing this season is so spot on! I figure this conversation goes a different direction after the why are you being so nice humour. I just love how much these guys are talking...and I love getting these wee insights into their lives, and I always love a little history. Weeeee! I can't wait!


Okay...what did the obtuse Mr Dabb have to say this week?

This is a lyric from the Grateful Dead song - Greatest Story Ever Told

Abraham and Issac is a biblical reference - in case you couldn't guess! 

According to the Hebrew Bible, God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering sacrifice. After Isaac is bound to an altar, a messenger from God stops Abraham at the last minute, saying "now I know you fear God." Abraham looks up and sees a ram and sacrifices it instead of Isaac.

Looking for a left-hand monkey wrench is a fools errand, because no such thing exists.

So pop those two together and go crazy!

I'm so looking forward to this episode, the brothers on a hunt together, doing their thing, all Fed'ed up, with the most obvious aliases ever, hopefully this will do both their hearts some good!

Enjoy the episode everyone, have fun...and above all....


Monday 6 November 2017

Supernatural Think Tank - Anna's thoughts on Supernatural 13x04 "The Big Empty"

The Big Empty.....Not

I find the title ironic because this episode was anything but.  On the contrary, this episode was filled with honesty, insight, grief, anger, love and compassion.  It filled me up with an array of emotion and left me totally satisfied in a way that has me reeking of contentment.

Perhaps the title refers not only to where Cas is, but to the emptying of some of that anger and grief and replacing it with hope.

Don't Knock Therapy

The Winchesters talking to a professional counsellor about how they're feeling is quite a novel notion.  These boys have been in need of therapy for a long, long time and I was tickled pink that they've finally gotten to talk to someone, with an objective opinion, monster or not, about what's going on inside of them.  This was long overdue and I think it helped them all more than they possibly know.  We've seen Sam talk to a therapist, well not exactly seen, but he did get to talk to one off screen back in S1, Asylum.  Dean was theraped in Sam, Interrupted, but as we discovered, the Dr. wasn't real and he'd been talking to himself.  The boys faked the whole abstinence thing when they pretended they wanted to be virgins again. For the most part, the boys never really were much about talking to anyone about their feelings, especially strangers.  Once in a while Dean opened up to Sam, Bobby and Cas, but those moments were often far and few between and it was often the really big stuff that Dean didn't want to talk about.  Sam opened up to Dean once in awhile, but that was usually under circumstances when Sam was sick or drunk or angered to the point where he just burst.  We haven't really seen much of that from Sam in quite some time. The boys clearing the air in front of the counsellor the way they did was both refreshing and cathartic, not only for the boys, but I think for many of us fans out here.  Dean finally opening up to someone even though it was mostly about his brother and the denial Sam was in, said a lot about his own state of mind.  Dean's open hostility with Jack inside the Dr.'s house was also transparent., so much so that the Dr. called Dean out on it.   She also made it clear to point out to Dean that Sam was so upset that he had to leave the room. The Dr. finally said out loud what so many of us have been saying all along.

"You're angry Dean and if you don't want to do anything about it, it's your business, but you're aiming it at everyone in your life".

Can I just say how happy I was that Dean got to hear these words from a neutral party.  Dean needed  to hear that and Sam and Jack needed him to hear that, oh hell, we all needed for him to hear that.  I really do think it finally sunk in, especially when Dean found out that Sam went out on his own to find the shifter and he didn't call Dean.  The Dr.'s  "Do you blame him?" seemed to finally hit home for Dean and I believe that the counsellor helped him......a lot.

I really liked the shape shifter Dr.   She truly wants to help people.  It was very important to her to do good and make up for the bad that she had done with her ex.  From a genetic standpoint she was a monster, but she lived by the code of humanity and did a lot of good for a lot of people.  She lived by the same motto as Sam and reiterated to Jack the very words that Sam used all the way back in S4,

"It's doesn't matter who you are, it only matters what you do".

When Jack asked her if she believed that, she told him yes, that she had to.  The Dr. believed in Jack's goodness much the way Sam does.  She believes that it's possible to control the monster inside and not let the monster control you.  This was something Jack needed to hear again.  She confirmed what Sam has been telling Jack.  I also loved that she was able to give Jack the one thing he needed so badly, a chance to be with his mother.  All Jack had was his mom on a computer screen. The poor kid never had the chance to have any kind of contact with her.  The Dr. gave Jack a moment that he'll never get from his actual mother, but it was a moment that was true to it's core, one of love and faith for who Jack is.  I think this moment will have great significance for when the time comes when Jack decides to choose which path he'll take.

Sam's Confession

My initial feeling to why Sam has such unwavering faith that his mother is still alive had more to do with him never wanting to make the same mistake he did with Dean when he believed he died back in S7.  Sam was so despondent and drowning in his own grief, that he broke.  He stopped everything.  Sam was unable to deal with all his loss and as such ran away from his life. He couldn't do it without his brother, or maybe he didn't want to do it without his brother.  Sam could no longer bear living the life that took away his family.  He was done, and there was no one else around to support him or to have the faith he no longer had, to keep going.  He drove aimlessly for months swimming in his own grief, alone in his darkest despair, until divine intervention put a dog in front of his car and gave him a purpose.  Sam had a reason to go on, even if it was just to take care of a dog and eventually the woman who helped save this dog's life.  Sam then found a new someone to save.  He couldn't save his brother, but he could save this girl, by saving this girl,  she in turn saved him.  When Sam found out that he'd made a mistake and Dean wasn't dead, Sam bore the burden of guilt for giving up.  He'd believed his brother died and gave up on everything.  Bound by a promise to not bring his brother back if he'd died, Sam accepted Dean's death without ever looking for a way to bring him back.  Because Sam didn't go back on their promise, he never discovered the truth that his brother wasn't dead.  I don't know if Sam would've ever found out where Dean was or if he'd ever been able to rescue him from there, but in Sam's mind, his guilt lies with never trying in the first place.  His guilt lies with accepting his brother's death without a fight.  Now, with Mary trapped in another realm, my assumption was that Sam wasn't going to make the same mistake with Mary that he had with Dean.   Sam wasn't going to give up on trying to get her back. He was going to do it for her and for his brother.

I still think there is validity to my assumption and this that it is in part true. It seems though that Sam has another reason why he both wants and needs to save his mother so much.  I must admit I wasn't expecting this at all, but I  must admit to it be most gratifying.  I don't know about you, but I've seen many a complaint last season by a lot of people noting that Sam didn't get to have the same kind of personal connection with his mom that Dean did.  I felt that neither of them got much in the way of a connection as she did bolt on them, and I thought each brother had equal amount of screen time.  The fans kept saying that even with her gone, she contacted Dean more, which I had to agree with.  She did call Dean more.  Mary did speak to both of them through her contact with Dean. While the fans were not quiet about this, Sam certainly was.  I was totally blown out of the water, when Sam shared the very same feelings that the fans have had all last season.  I guess maybe the writers do, on occasion, acknowledge what's bothering the fans.

Sam's revelation was both surprising to hear and heartbreaking.  The fact that Sam felt left out all last season, after getting his mother back for the first time ever.  His hopes of a relationship were dashed when she left them, and how his heart must've ached inside every time Dean got a call from her and he got nothing.  I can only imagine what might've been going through his head each time he didn't hear from his mom and Dean did.  Of course Sam learns the truth as to why Mary was so distant from him. Mary's guilt was more than she could bear.  It was one thing to know that she started it all.  She made the deal and gave up her child to a demon.  Mary seeing the life they were leading, living the very life she tried to escape and never wanted for them was hard enough, but then to get the actual play by play from Dean as to what that deal truly did to her sons, to Sam.  It's a burden of guilt I'll wonder if she can ever be free of, even with Sam's forgiveness.  I do understand how hard it was for her to face Sam.  I do understand why she was so afraid.  Yet Sam never blamed her for anything and promised her that she never had to be afraid of him.  Sam not only set his mother free of all that guilt, or at least offered her the freedom, as I'm not sure it's so easy to get rid of, but welcomed her into his heart with open arms.  Just when Sam and Mary were able to have the relationship he's always wanted, she ends up in another universe.  Sam is not ready to have the opportunity of having a mom taken from him again.  It's apparent that he won't stop fighting to get that chance again.

Hearing this truth from Sam was so cathartic.  It just feels so good to hear Sam expressing his feelings, because as we all know, he tends to keep everything to himself.  He needed to let all of this out and we and Dean so needed to hear it.   Sam has known all along where Dean was coming from and where his head is at.  It means so much that Dean now knows where Sam is coming from and what is motivating him.  The more the boys know and understand about each other, the stronger their bond becomes.

Dean, I Needed This

I will admit that I was getting a bit tired of Dean being so hostile to Jack in this episode.  It went a little too far.  He berated the kid for every little thing and was openly hostile to the point where I wanted Sam to kick him or something.  Sam tried so hard to get Dean to give Jack a chance.  Hell he even went for the ace up his sleeve to get Dean to let Jack come on the hunt with them.  Yes, Sammy brought out his most lethal weapon when it comes to his brother,  the puppy dog eyes. 🐶  Then you add the "please, for me" and Dean Winchester never had a chance. 😍  Still, Dean didn't make it easy for Jack at all and yet still Jack tried.  Sam did tell him after all that Dean respects effort.  So Jack took all that Dean dished out, until Dean was finally called out by the Dr.  Then the moment came that so many of us  have been waiting for, that recognition in Dean's eyes where he finally acknowledges what he's been doing.   I knew from that moment on that all would be right in world again.

Dean made me cry last week.  It just gutted me emotionally when Dean told Sam that he was pretending to care for Jack.  I couldn't fathom Dean truly believing that...of all people....that he would actually believe that to be the case.  I had to vent. In a way, that was my therapy and I had to let it out.  I was assured that it was simply deflection on the part of Dean, and deep down I knew that to be true.  Still though I needed to hear that from Dean.  I needed him to say it out loud, and he did.  He said exactly what Sam, Jack and I needed to hear and it made me do this.....

Dean told Jack that Sam believed in him.  Dean apologised to Sam for being a dick lately, and he told Sam that maybe he was right about the kid, that he did try and he saved their lives.  The icing on top of the delicious cake, Dean told Sam not to give up on their Mom being alive. When Sam was ready to concede, Dean told him no.  Dean is dependent on Sam's faith because he doesn't have any of his own right now.  I think angry Dean has finally left the building.  Though Dean has admitted to being without hope, the silver lining here is that it's only temporary.  He's said that he doesn't have any of his own right now.  He also pleads with Sam not to lose any of his faith indicating that he needs it because he too wants to believe Mary is alive, even if he can't just yet. I also love that Dean admittedly looks to Sam for strength as much as Sam looks to Dean for it.  💕

To Be Cas or Not To Be Cas....That is the Question

I liked the entire concept of the Empty.  I think it's fascinating that this is where angels and demons go when they die.  I love that the Empty predates everything, including God, Amara and Leviathans.  It was really cool how the Entity took it's form  Great visual effects.  I really enjoyed how much the Entity was annoyed at having been awoken after all this time.  Cas heard Jack.  I wonder if that will be significant in the future.  See I kind of think that the real Cas is still in the Empty and that the Entity is the one who decided to take a sabbatical into the waking world.   Did anyone else notice that Cas had a striped tie in the Empty but the Cas who ended up back on Earth had a blue tie?  I think maybe this might not be the real Cas and perhaps Jack will rescue Cas at some point in the future....HMMM.


Jared was freaking awesome.  Jensen was masterful.  Alex was touching.  The girl who played the counsellor was wonderful.  I'm so glad that she got to return and play a deeper role.  I liked her in The Mentalists, but enjoyed her even more this time around.  The visual effects were cool.  I liked Misha's take on the Entity.  The writing was perfection.  It was touching, honest and cathartic. This has been the best episode of the season so far, and that's in a season where every episode has been awesomely good.

Can't wait for next week.  Til then.

Friday 3 November 2017

sweetondean's Light on Spoilers, Heavy on Squee Preview of Supernatural 13x04 The Big Empty

I wasn't going to write this preview - I'm beyond disappointed in what has happened over this week and the thought of having to generate or manufacture some squee seemed impossible - spoiler alert, it still is. I ache in my bones from the carelessness of dialogue that has been communicated in such a way that good men's reputations are now being sullied in the media. There is a lack of responsibility being taken for words being cast into the twitterverse, even with the knowledge of audience and fandom reaction style, that is grossly disappointing. Being disappointed in one of your favourites, wanting to make them aware that something they said is simply not acceptable is one thing, causing unwarranted damage to their reputation, especially when you are aware of who they really are, is thoughtless, and unendingly cruel. I'm frankly more disgusted than I have ever been by anything that has occurred in this fandom in the seven years I've been associated with it. Our words have power too, and once in the Universe, they can not be taken back, and if you don't choose them wisely, they can careen out of control, and careen they have. People need to consider the power of their words before they toss them around with no consciousness of, or perceived responsibility for the shit-storm that may follow and unwarranted ongoing damage they may cause. In this case, the punishment is so fucking out of whack with the crime, it's outrageous and completely heartbreaking. If I were Jensen and Jared, I would never trust us again.

I've pulled away from fandom before, out of self protection, that's protection of what I love, who I love and how I feel about it all. It's very difficult not to be affected by the amount of crap we have to wade through. I have made many friends in this community who no longer go on Twitter because they can't bear the toxicity of the dialogue there, whether about the show and those who create it, or the actors themselves. I miss them. I miss our fun, happy interactions around the thing we love. But I understand how they feel. Fandom likes to say their fave has become "problematic", for me it's fandom that's become problematic, and the lack of self-awareness and continued double standard is mind-boggling.

So how do I move forward? Where do I go from here? How do I forgive what I feel is unforgivable? How do I overcome these feelings of intense shame and embarrassment because others' behaviours have caused pain where it really didn't belong, and I feel tarred with the brush that caused it. How do I find that joy again in something that gave me so much, brought me so much friendship, helped me feel embraced and accepted in a way I never have before. I'm not sure if I can, because this disgrace feels too great. I'm mortified.

In two weeks time I get to see Jensen and Jared in Hawaii - and I'm hoping I can look them in the eyes. I'm hoping that they understand that the bulk of us love them, and understand that sometimes they make mistakes. That the bulk of us will continue to respect them because we have seen over and over again, that they deserve it. I hope I don't look in their eyes and see a change, a curtain drawn, because we misused our unique access and pushed them into a corner one too many times. I hope I don't see a wariness in how they approach us, and what they share with us because they now fear putting a foot wrong and the retribution that may follow. I hope that the trust built up over so many years is not broken beyond repair. But mostly I hope they forgive us... that they forgive us for publicly shaming them instead of treating them like the friends they continually tell us we are, and communicating our concerns directly with them, or the people who represent them. 

We have unknown before power to reach millions of voices, it's time as a fandom that we stood up, and lived up to the expectations we place on others.

I love Supernatural, this show is special. It's lightning in a bottle that I feel blessed to still be able to enjoy. I will continue to love Supernatural because it deserves it, I will continue to support and respect Jensen and Jared, because they've earned it. Fandom? The jury is still out on that one. But I know so many are thoughtful, considerate, understanding, tolerant, reasonable humans, so maybe, just maybe there is still some hope...

Today is the saddest I've ever been on Supernatural day - but my show, and the people who create it for us, still deserve to be celebrated.


Welcome to the preview for episode 4

Sam tried to work with Jack to help him control his powers
Dean when on a hunt with Jody to help Missouri Mosely - who died....but died well
Patience got the talk from Jody and is heading in a Wayward direction
Sam and Dean really had it out and said some stuff - this is actually a good thing
Cas woke up in a very minimalist space! Lucky he doesn't dress in all black!

More Sam and Dean and Jack on the road on a case - awkward family road trip anyone?!
And though he's not mentioned in the synopsis - Cas in The Empty

Couples therapy

Let's look at that synopsis

“The Big Empty” 

THE LONG WAY HOME – When multiple patients of grief counsellor Mia Vallens (guest star Rukiya Bernard) turn up dead, Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) investigate the mystery surrounding the murders and, each inadvertently, are forced to deal with unresolved grief of their own. John Badham directed the episode written by Meredith Glynn (#1304). 

Sounds like grief is going to be discussed and acknowledge, and hopefully addressed for all concerned. Please, lets get into the grief stuff. For all of us. Pleasssssse!

Director John Badham is awesome, we're so luck to have him - he last directed We Happy Few. Meredith Glynn came on board in season 12 and last wrote Ladies Drink Free!

Okay, here's the promo

Oh hey there's Cas....and apparently something or someone coming out of the blackness in The Empty! I'm looking forward to seeing what's happening there, what that space is like and all of the stuff. It's exciting that we have a new plain to discover! And who's in there with him - Misha talked about a very powerful being being in there with Cas, but who!?

As for Sam, Dean and Jack... well, I'm sure I'll enjoy all the story and all the interactions as usual. I hope their combined and individual grief is addressed (and allowed). I'm sure there will be tense, angsty moments, and I'm sure some awkward ones too!

Okay, here's the sneak peek....


There is this though - some fan video of a scene being shot...which is fun!

Here's what the show's fearless leader has to say about the episode...

It's out tears, right?

Okay... okay, it's glass half empty/full...OF OUR TEARS!

Enjoy the episode. Sending you all lots of love.


Tuesday 31 October 2017

Review - Supernatural 13x03 "Patience" - by sweetondean

Ugh. Dean Winchester is killing me. Actually Sam is killing me too. Basically Sam and Dean Winchester are destroying me emotionally this season, and we’re only 3 episodes in!

I’m just going to get right into the Winchester goodness/badness/painfulness/angstynesstothepowerofamillion stuff because that's how I roll!.

I’m not going to judge Dean Winchester, I’m not. You won’t find me doing that, and not because he’s my main man, but because I am not going to judge him and his mourning. He’s a raw, open wound and I get it so completely. Yes, he’s apportioning blame where it doesn’t belong, but right now he can’t see or feel anything but his own loss and his own pain, and it’s ringing in his ears and drowning everything out as it drags him into the depths of fury and despair, and I get it. It’s grief, and it’s fresh grief, this is VERY fresh grief, and grief is a fucked up mistress that blindsides you in the worst possible way. It is a force of nature that leaves you in shock, and you can’t always control how you're going to react to things. Grief is a son of a bitch.

For Dean, from the moment everything around him imploded, he has had to look into Jack’s eyes. Jack, whose birth, whose existence Dean equates with his world upending. Every. Single. Day. That’s a lot to try and squash down, even for Dean Winchester. Dean’s had so much loss, harbours so much guilt over every death he feels he was in some way responsible for (which is most of them, and this episode added another one). Jack is a constant reminder of all of that, and of the moment everything went so bad…when that feeling that Sam and Dean had it all, family, their mum, a crew of people on their side, was in a matter of moments, ripped out from under them both, ripped out from under Dean. Is it rational for him to feel like this? Well, it’s completely understandable. Grief is a weird and hideously personal journey, and when you’re mired in it, it can be virtually impossible to see logic. 

In many ways Dean’s being asked to care more about this person he’s known for 3 whole days, who is his axis of torment and a completely unknown entity, than care about the people who have been his family for years, if not his whole life, to put aside his own hurt to focus his energy and empathy on Jack, and Dean can’t, and right now that’s okay, because to be honest, to ask that of him at this time, literally a few days after losing his mum, Cas, Crowley, is unfair. Dean’s feelings are coming in second in this situation, and that’s not a judgement on Sam, Sam is conscious of his brother’s misery, we’ve seen that, but Sam’s focus is also affected by his own feelings and his unique perspective on Jack’s situation. Basically, both brothers are being driven by very deep, very old, very familiar pain… 

Dean is an angry man at the best of times, a passionate man, he loves hard, he fights hard, he protects hard, and he feels deeply. We’re seeing Dean at maximum pain overload, he’s at boiling point, and it hurts like hell to watch, in every respect, because he doesn’t deserve this level of pain and he doesn’t deserve to be asked to put that on the back burner to focus on something he didn’t sign up for, just like Jack doesn’t deserve to be the brunt of Dean’s anguish. This feels like a very honest depiction of overwhelming grief. Right now Dean is barely going through the motions of living, and I’m not sure he’d even be bothered doing that if he didn’t still have Sam standing in front of him.

Sam sees everything that he went through with his own brush with evil, in Jack. Sam is definitely diverting his grief into the task at hand, and he’s most definitely projecting, but that’s not a bad thing, because he understands, and he’s Jack’s anchor right now. I loved all of the scenes between Jack and Sam, they were simply amazing. I loved that Sam was reading a book about gifted children! He’s so tender with Jack. Sam’s eternal hope and optimism is something that I’ve always loved and admired about Sam even when it’s led him down the wrong path - like with Ruby, the demon blood, and thinking it was God speaking to him when it was really Satan. Sam’s heart is forever in the right place. In the case of Jack, this has become a very personal crusade, not just because there is a chance that Jack could open the portal and if Mary is alive, the brothers could rescue her, not because training Jack to use his powers for good could save the world, but because Sam looks at Jack and sees himself reflected back at him. He understands that feeling of isolation, of what it’s like to fear what you may become…and if Sam could be saved, why not Jack?

Sam sees a kid who without support, without the love and the belief of someone, could most definitely go darkside, regardless of how badly he doesn’t want to. He sees his own struggle against his own powers, his own dark destiny. He knows that it was Dean’s belief in him, Dean’s resolute refusal to follow their father’s wishes to end Sam that was part of what kept Sam grounded, and empowered him to pull himself back from the clutches of the thing that was forced into his blood. What’s also interesting is that Jack’s like Sam in another way too - he thinks he’s let down all the people who believed in him, his mom, Cas…he thinks he’s a screw up, a disappointment. Sam has been plagued by similar feelings of inadequacy, some coming from within him as a response to the mistakes he made, and some coming from his brother - as he explained to Dean at the end of season 8. I think Sam has put most of those feelings to rest, and Dean’s support beyond that moment in the church has helped him to have the belief in himself that has seen him become both a leader, and in this case, standing up for what he feels is right, even when his brother doesn’t agree. Sam has never felt less like a little brother as when he was going toe to toe with Dean at the end of this episode. (Didn’t hurt that the camera angle had Dean having to look up! Heh.) 

The argument between the brothers at the end of the ep was so damn gut-wrenching to watch. We really saw Dean’s anguish unleashed, he’d been pretty muted up until that point, but he finally let it all out with ferocity, and Sam got to hear what’s going on inside him in no uncertain terms. I actually adored every single second of this fight. I freakin’ love that Sam’s demon blood past is coming up again, I love that he’s talking about it to Jack, and I love that he’s talking about it with Dean, and acknowledging Dean for saving him. I feel like, even though most of what the brothers have gone through together has been released as water under their proverbial bridge, there are still aspects of those early conflicts around Sam’s powers that have never been thoroughly dealt with. It feels like a conversation that’s been a long time coming and I hope we explore it more. The fact that Dean used the word freak when talking about Jack made everything in me churn, I’m pretty sure you could see that word physically hit Sam like a blow. And Dean’s pure blindness when it comes to Sam is demonstrated yet again when he says Sam deserved to be saved but Jack does not. I kinda adore that blindness to be honest. Forever Sam.

I loved every heartbreaking moment of this argument. Neither side holds less merit than the other in my opinion, because they are both coming from history, both personal and familiar, and they are both coming from the heart. Here lies the brothers’ conundrum, it’s all so personal to both of them. Dean is being influenced by past experience and his own grief, Sam is being influenced by past experience and his own history and there the twain is currently not meeting - though we know it will. The acting in this scene was out of this world. The strength Jared imbued Sam with, and the torment that flowed through Jensen into Dean. I think Jensen took Dean’s pain to a level we’ve never seen. Crazy good. Oh and small point, I adored that Dean argued the whole time with his bag on his shoulder, something in that felt so real.

 Meanwhile, Jack was listening to it all, like a kid listening to his parents fight!

Jack’s not just screwed up because of Dean, “I've only been on Earth for a few days and I've already hurt people. I've already done bad things.” Sure, Dean’s vocal lack of belief in the kid is not helping, but hey, the kid grew up in mere minutes, found out his mum and then the person he called father were both dead, discovered his actual father is considered the most evil creature to ever exist, was overwhelmed by powers he didn’t understand and couldn’t control, got thrown into the weirdest new family ever with a couple of angry giants, and he’s only a few days old….pretty sure all of that is screwing up Jack too! 

Jack’s powers seem to be totally connected to his emotions, and that’s scaring him, and he’s suppressing them - probably subconsciously. The two bursts of power we saw when we first met Jack burst forth from fear, then when he was opening up the gate to hell for fake Donatello, he was doing something he thought was good for a friend…which brings me to Cas. Oh. My. God. Jack reached out his mind to Cas when he heard how stricken Dean is by the loss of Castiel, and that he thinks Jack manipulated Cas to his death. Maybe Jack thinks this is the one thing that he can put right. If this is the thing that is causing Dean to hate him so, is causing this conflict between the brothers, is causing all this distress to everyone all around him, if he fixes it…. But not only that, if he can show that his powers can be used for good, that he can do something with good intentions, will that stop Dean hating him so? Because you can tell how much he wants Dean to like him, you could see it in the Scooby Doo moment, you can hear it in his voice when he speaks to Sam. Or does Jack just wish for Cas because that would be someone who isn’t all yelly, and angry, and doesn’t want to use him for anything.

When Jack says,“Castiel” once again he’s super emotional (by that point we all were) - and his eyes flash yellow and his powers flare up…and he wakes up Cas! Which was a total surprise to me because I didn’t think Misha was back until episode 4, and his credit was held until the end of the episode because the show is SNEAKY! And awesome, sneaky and awesome. Cas in The Empty. This will be interesting!

Patience was not just the first of the episodes to set up the Wayward Sisters spin off, it was an episode about family history and legacy, and how this can affect not only our own paths, but how others may choose to see us, judge us, or even try to protect us from that legacy, and we saw that not only play out for Patience herself, but also for Jack, and of course, Sam and Dean.

RIP Missouri Mosley. Well, is she really gone, or will she be able to talk to her grand-daughter from the grave - like we pretty much saw, I hope so, either way, it was sad to bring Missouri back and have her die, but she did go out kick-ass and protecting her family…like all good hunters (called Winchester) would, so in the scheme of things, it was a good death. She could see what was going to happen, no escaping her destiny laying out before her, and so she sent Dean off to take care of the ones she loved, with a “Yes Ma’am” and the knowledge that Dean was as sure as hell going to save that family, (because he wasn’t able to save his own - says Dean's brain.)

We first met Missouri in episode 9 of season 1, Home. This is when we discovered that Missouri was the psychic who introduced the grieving John Winchester to what’s really out there in the dark, propelling him into the life of hunting. 

There was some nice symmetry in the (brief) reintroduction of Missouri, with the moment when she hugged Dean and said she was sorry for his losses, just like she did when she first hugged Sam all those years ago. I always really appreciate these nods back to the past of our show, it’s one of the luxuries of having a show in its 13th season - the history that you can mine.

We discover that Patience doesn’t understand that she has powers, and that she’s estranged from her grandmother because of her father’s own anger and fear. There’s a lovely moment when Dean questions that James pushed his mother away. Dean obviously incredulous and instantly angry at that injustice, both for Missouri and Patience, but also in relation to Dean, because he just lost his mum for the second time…and Jody places a gentle hand on Dean’s arm to stabilise him. Such a small moment - but one that expressed who Jody is to the Winchester brothers, and how well she knows them.

I love Jody so much. Every time she’s in an episode, Kim Rhodes just lights up the screen. I absolutely adore her character, and I love the friendship that has developed between Jody, and Sam and Dean. It’s a friendship based on caring, and equality. I don’t think Dean doubted she could handle the case on her own, I just think he wanted out of the bunker and to bury himself in the work. You can see that Dean has all the belief in Jody - they looked like complete equals leaning back on the Impala like that.

Patience’s vision of everyone getting killed was sooooo disturbing. I am never going to get used to seeing Dean Winchester getting stabbed, and I never want to see that happen to Jody! Feel pretty safe in that one now! I loved the final conversation with Patience - Dean understandably telling her to forget her gift, the life, and try to live normal, with all that’s he’s been through since he was four, let alone the last days, obviously he’s going to say if you have a chance at normal, take it. He craved normal so bad for such a long time. But Jody advises Patience to be who she is and who she wants to be - make that choice, don’t let someone else make that choice for you. Wise words from Jody (also a very Kim thing to say). An excellent set up for the spinoff, with Patience onboard I guess she’s going with the powers, and a nice parallel to what’s happening to Jack too, with his mother telling him his destiny is his choice. I look forward to the next time we see Patience and Clark Backo in episode 10!

There has been so much emotional punch in the first episodes of season 13, and Patience was no different. It’s been such a powerful start to the season - I can’t remember the last time the brothers have talked so openly. Even though they’re arguing, it’s not about something either one has done to the other, but instead, it’s about what they’re facing together, and that makes a really lovely change. The man pain definitely tastes less bitter! So on to next week - where I hope there may be the occasional lighter moment! Show? Don’t break us too early!

Until then, as always, thanks so much for reading!

Monday 30 October 2017

Supernatural Think Tank - Anna's Thoughts on Patience


Old Habits Die Hard

The scene between Sam and Dean at the end of Patience reminded me a lot of Southern Comfort. Dean had taken out his deep rooted anger on his brother and said some pretty hurtful things to Sam.  We learnt  a week later, when watching A Little Slice of Kevin, that Dean  had projected his own issues onto his brother when he accused him of leaving him in purgatory for a girl. The truth of the matter was, as we learnt in A Little Slice of Kevin, was that Dean's issues were with Cas. Dean took all of that guilt and anger he felt towards himself and towards Cas and laid it at his brother's feet.

Friday 27 October 2017

Monday 23 October 2017

Supernatural Think Tank - Anna's Thoughts on 13x02 The Rising Son

I'd just like to note, since this is a site that is very sensitive about Dean Winchester, that the following diatribe is in no way a slam on Dean's character.  Like I've said, when I write my articles I usually will touch on something that hits me the hardest, that I notice most and expand on it.  As I watched this episode, one line from a very funny movie kept ringing in my ears.......It comes from Mr. Mom, as Jack, the newly out of work and now stay at home dad is dropping the kids off at school.  Let's just say that Jack has no idea of the correct procedure, as he goes in through the out....and in the immortal words of Ann Jillian comes one of the most famous lines in movie history....."Jack, you're doing it wrong".  And with that all these thoughts came flooding into my head.

Sunday 22 October 2017

Review - Supernatural 13x02 "The Rising Son" - by sweetondean

I’ve got to say, I’ve really loved the start of season 13. I love the pace, and though this episode had several storylines going, we were still taking the time to understand where Sam and Dean are, with their grief, with each other, and with Jack. We didn’t just zip straight back to the bunker, we took a twelve hour road trip, complete with layover in dodgy motel because Dean refused not to drive and was starting to see things through sleep deprivation - remembering these guys haven’t taken a break since they set off from the bunker a couple of days ago to try and find Cas. Pile everything they’ve been through on top of that, and you’ve got a couple of strung out Winchesters. The Rising Son was great.

Thursday 19 October 2017

sweetondean's Light on Spoilers, Heavy on Squee Preview of Supernatural 13x02 "The Rising Son"

Welcome to the second preview of season 13!

Yes, we got through the first episode of season 13...we probably cried...but we MADE IT! Unlike Cas, Crowley and Rowena. Too soon?

Monday 16 October 2017

Supernatural Think Tank - Anna's Thoughts on 13x01 "Lost and Found"


First off I'd like to start out by saying...Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a safe and fun Hellatus.   If you are reading this, I'd secondly like to thank you for that as well. I very much appreciate that Amy has allowed me the honour of sharing my thoughts with all of you, even if sometimes we all don't necessarily agree on them.  I very much appreciate the time you take out of your day to read them, whether for sheer enjoyment and interest or simply for the opportunity to comment and share your thoughts, either they be positive or negative.  I am just honoured that you made the effort. 😀  As you may or may not  know, I don't review the eps.  I will rave about it and I will gush with the love and admiration of our characters and the awesome work by both Jared and Jensen, but I leave the actual reviewing to Amy.  She's brilliant at reviewing and she doesn't need any assistance at all in that department.   What I tend to do is share my wandering thoughts with all of you when I find a certain aspect or aspects of the show compelling.  Of course one thing leads to another and before you know it I'm off on tangents as my thoughts simply wander and wonder in all sorts of directions.   I can only hope that some of these thoughts might be something that is as interesting to you as well and thoughts that you might have opinions on that you too would be willing to share.

All that being said, I hope you find the first of my ramblings regarding this season to be at the very most......interesting.😜 

An Interesting Observation in an Interestingly Observational Kind of Way

Saturday 14 October 2017

Review: Supernatural Season 13 Premiere - 13x01 Lost and Found


So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know, yeah!

My goodness…13 seasons in and my anticipation for this show’s return continues to increase season on season! I was super pumped for Supernatural’s epic season 13 premiere, on what for me was Friday the 13th! I had to wait way too damn long to watch Lost and Found though…having to work of course (stupid work getting in the way of fangirl stuff), but then also having to go out at night! So I didn’t end up watching the first episode of the new season until about 1am in the morning! It didn’t matter that I was exhausted, there was no way in the world I was going to sleep without watching my boys…they had been on my mind for hours (oh who am I kidding, they are always on my mind!) So I got some cookies - nothing like a long past midnight snack - and settled in….

The Road So Far was a really interesting precursor to what we were about to see and feel. It one hundred percent focused on the people Sam and Dean had lost, and I loved that. There were all the hugs, hands helping each other up, everything that represented the family Sam and Dean had clawed back into their lives - yes, even Crowley - all of whom have now been torn away from them, yet again. It wasn’t so much a montage of what happened last season, as a montage pointing to the brothers’ new painful reality. Of what they fought for, and have lost. Of course they have each other, and when push shoves, that’s what is the most important thing and what always gets them through no matter what, which the amazing Metallica song we had accompanying The Road So Far perfectly captured… “Forever trusting who we are, and nothing else matters”, but that doesn’t mean this series of losses isn't absolutely cataclysmic...

Thursday 12 October 2017



Yep we're baaaaackkkkkk for SEASON 13! And that means.....


Sunday 8 October 2017


Honestly, I meant to write up the season 12 finale straight after it happened, I truly did, but then I got busy, and then it got further and further behind me, and then I started my EPIC HELLATUS REWATCH, and then I thought… ”well hell, let’s write it up just before season 13…like my very own ROAD SO FAR!” Heh. So here I am!

For the first time in a quite a while, this hiatus I did a full series rewatch. I used to do a full rewatch every hiatus, but then the show kept going and going and going and there were more and more episodes and it got more and more daunting! I’d watch full seasons, favourite eps, lots and lots of Supernatural, but the full season rewatch, I probably hadn’t done since METATRON KILLED DEAN AND I WAS CATATONIC FOR 3 MONTHS! I still can’t write this without excessive use of caps.

As always, it was super interesting going back and watching the Supernatural story unfold, being privy to all that would happen to the Winchesters further down the track. But what really interested me was how some of the seasons that had always been my go-to seasons, when watching them this time around as part of today’s big picture, now made me feel REALLY BIG FEELS! 

I had always said that seasons 4 and 5 were my favourite seasons. I loved the story that rolled out, the standalone episodes and the mytharc, and the brothers' epic fight against Lucifer and the apocalypse. But what I found interesting as I tackled my epic rewatch, was how traumatic I now found these seasons to be! Yes, sure, they were always traumatic, I knew they were chockerblock full of pain, yes they always hurt, these were the seasons where the fractures between the brothers really started, and some of the worst conflicts between the boys and some of the most feely moments live in seasons 4 and 5…but, oh my gosh…MY HEART! I was actually shocked at how devastating I found these two seasons, and how hard I found them to watch! I had been watching a few episodes each night, but half way through season 5, I took a little hiatus of my own… FROM THE PAIN!